[Pro] - IoJ PvX guild looking for members.

[Pro] - IoJ PvX guild looking for members.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Noelemahc.7842


Hey folks, I’m the guild leader of Hella Pro [Pro] looking to grab some interest to rebuild up my guild. Some people might recognize me commanding in EB as Scarlet Vera or Alistar Reinhelm.


If you are interested in joining our guild, please send me an in game whisper or mail, or even PM me here on the forums. You can reach me at Noelemahc.7842

About us:

Currently we are a small guild changing over our roster from inactive players and rebuilding up our membership. We are mostly a PvX guild, starting to shift over to primarily WvW with a focus on zerg busting and deception tactics. We don’t want other servers to see us coming, we just want them to go “oh ****” when we are there. We are a mature guild and like to have fun with each other, but also accomplish things together.

Guild rules:

1. While in WvW, 100% rep and must run with the guild while we are doing guild WvW events unless given specific tasks that require you to do other things (i.e. scouting, yak sitting, or waypoint denial).

2. Must use Teamspeak, at least while in WvW. If you don’t have a mic, you can still be in it to listen. No Teamspeak means no running with us, which means we aren’t a fit for you. Communication is super important.

3. Friday night WvW reset attendance is mandatory. If you are in the game and not with us in WvW, then we are not a fit for you.

4. You must be active. We are not a super casual guild, so if you’re only on for an hour once a week, we are not a fit for you.

Expectations from our players:

1. Guild repping – I understand people have friends in other guilds, but we are looking to build a full time guild and are not looking for part time members. While I don’t realistically expect everyone to rep 100% of the time (still have other friends or specialty guilds people visit from time to time), I would like our members to rep the majority of the time (at least 90%-95%). After all, why be in a guild if you’re not going to be IN the guild?

2. Player experience – We are currently only looking for experienced players in both PvE and WvW. That doesn’t mean you have to know everything about the game, but it does mean that if you just started a week ago, there are other guilds that are better suited for you. You need to have at least 1 level 80 character that is geared up with exotics and have spent at least some time in WvW. While we are willing to teach and build, we don’t want to start from the very beginning.

3. Behavior and representation – We are a mature guild, and thus want mature players. No trolling around (with the intent to harm or damage reputation, joking around is of course acceptable), insulting others, or otherwise doing anything of the like that reflects negatively on the guild. Basically be an adult, and use common sense.

4. No one left behind. We are a guild, which means we should have each others’ backs. No abandoning your mates.

5. You must be alert and ready, and have the ability to take and give directions, and follow them.

What we are offering/would like to accomplish:

We want to be a primary WvW guild, while still offering guild missions, dungeon runs, and help with general PvE stuff like Living Story achievements. But primarily, we want to be a solid community and develop as a full time guild. We do not want members who are only there for 1 specific thing like WvW, and do not rep us outside of that.

Once we rebuild up our player base, we will have training sessions and get organized and used to each others’ play styles. Being a primary WvW guild, as I said we want to focus on zerg busting and deception tactics, which includes things like bait and switch, countering, misleading, and giving the other server misinformation to help us gain the upper hand and ultimately victory. To put in simple terms, we find the other server and smash them.

So if you are interested in joining a primary WvW guild with experienced players, feel free to contact me. Once again we are looking for regular members, not just part time reppers. I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.

Hella Pro [Pro] | Guild Leader | Tarnished Coast Commander
Scarlet Vera/Isobel Crowley/Alistar Reinhelm