[PsAv] Praesidium Aeva - PvX (SoR) ACTIVE

[PsAv] Praesidium Aeva - PvX (SoR) ACTIVE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Khang.6743


Praesidium Aeva (SANCTUM OF RALL)

An active and dedicated Guild Wars 2 community. We’re a fairly new guild looking to expand our ranks into all avenues. We have a TS, website, and active members on every night doing everything from WvW, Dungeons, Map completion, whatever floats your boat. We accept all members and encourage people to try us out before making a decision to stay. Its our belief that a person should enjoy the guild as much as the guild enjoys a person. Its a two way street..

What we’re about..

I. Blades Out, Not In
This is an ancient Celtic family rule, as well as the golden rule of the esteemed Gaiscioch family. It is well said; therefore, we have adopted it as our own standard. We strive to keep a friendly environment in which everyone can have fun. Friendly japes are a natural occurrence within groups of close-knit friends, but insulting a fellow guildmate’s level of experience, lifestyle, or decisions may result in your immediate dismissal from the guild.

II. All For One, and One For All
This guild prides itself on our comradery and willingness to help each other. Nobody should put personal gains above another guildmate. Luckily, Guild Wars 2 has developed a game where we don’t have to worry about this too much, but sometimes we may encounter situations that may put us “between a rock and a hard place.” If you see a fellow guildmate struggling with something, lend your hand. Surely, they will return the favor one day.


It is important to remember that many guildmates may have young eyes watching, and young ears listening while they play. Because of this, it is important that we all maintain a certain level of discretion so as not to cause havoc in the household. Besides, cursing and overly-obscene comments have no place in a family-oriented guild.
Also remember that part of the fun of Guild Wars 2 is that you earn what you get. Please do not beg other members for items, gold, etc. If somebody has something you want, offer an equal trade, or ask for assistance in obtaining it for yourself.

Idleness Policy

Praesidium Aeva has a 30 day idleness policy for all members. We understand that life can get in the way sometimes, but it is also necessary that our ranks consist of people who are actually involved in playing the game with each other in some capacity. It is in the best interests of the guild that members who do not sign into the game at least once a month be removed from the guild. If, for some reason, you may be gone for an extended amount of time, please let an officer know so that you can keep your place with us!


It is the philosophy of the guild, that members need not ALWAYS represent Praesidium Aeva. If the developers of the game didn’t want people expanding their social networks in-game, they would not have allowed players to join multiple guilds. That being said, it greatly affects the morale of the guild if members do not remain active within our community. For this reason, members should represent the guild and hang out with other members at least sometimes. If you would like to represent the guild occasionally, simply let an officer know so that they can assign you as “Reserve.” If you plan on becoming a “Warden,” please bear in mind that you will be expected to represent the guild more frequently. We hope to create a community in which members can rely on each other.


All you need to do is register on our website and contact a leader in game.

  • khang.6743
  • wesahyde.1362
  • woody.5318

We hope to be playing with you soon!!

[PsAv] Praesidium Aeva - PvX (SoR) ACTIVE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Khang.6743


bump for some new recruits

[PsAv] Praesidium Aeva - PvX (SoR) ACTIVE

in Looking for...

Posted by: wesahyde.1362


We would love to have some peeps who are interested in hosting fun events like dungeon runs, havoc squads, and PvP pickup teams.

Wesley Hyde,
Arbiter of Praesidium Aeva

[PsAv] Praesidium Aeva - PvX (SoR) ACTIVE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Khang.6743


Still looking for some members.

[PsAv] Praesidium Aeva - PvX (SoR) ACTIVE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Khang.6743


bump bump bump bump

[PsAv] Praesidium Aeva - PvX (SoR) ACTIVE

in Looking for...

Posted by: shrimpgirl.3107


Bump! I’m actually on a separate server and wound up joining them because of how friendly and welcoming they all are! So, join us!