[PvX][EU] Gravity Sux [GS] Gunnar's Hold

[PvX][EU] Gravity Sux [GS] Gunnar's Hold

in Looking for...

Posted by: DylanLucas.6058


Hello my name is Dylanlucas, im the co-leader of Gravity Sux.

First i want to tell something about myself before i will talk about our guild.

I was the creator of Pandion Knights [PK] wich started on Gunnar’s Hold and currently resides on Seafarers Rest. I left them because of all the guildpolitics that comes with a big multigaming community like theirs.

Now started fresh, moved back to Gunnar’s Hold were we have some awesome battles.

Gravity Sux [GS] is a Dutch community of skilled players.

We are a PvX guild so we will cover all aspects of the game, some more then others but PvE and WvW is the biggest part.

You might think, its a Dutch community, why is this guy posting in English
This is just me beeing polite.

So if you like a guild free from politics and you are from Belgium or Holland then we invite you to have a blast with us ingame.

/tell me ingame or send me a PM here on the forums.

You can also check our website http://gravsux.enjin.com

See you ingame.

Creator of Pandion Knights [PK] GW2 – SFR (retired)

(edited by DylanLucas.6058)

[PvX][EU] Gravity Sux [GS] Gunnar's Hold

in Looking for...

Posted by: WillHellmus.9145



LF active guild and pref. from BE… on the UNDERWORLD server.

