(edited by Talia.7412)
Forged in 2004, just before the launch of Guild Wars 1, [CV] has had a long storied history. First as a primarily RP guild, then as a mostly PVX/community guild. Several of our members have been around for years, and been through thick and thin together.
We’re currently on the Henge of Denravi server, have Discord, a website, a Facebook page, a forum, and a Telegram chat that we use regularly.
Our members often do fractals, raids, wvw (we do twice a week organized WvW), guild missions (twice a week organized GM) and also role play. But we do everything with a casual, never-leave-a-brother-behind attitude, which is especially helpful if you’re a newcomer to the game and need guidance. We’ll be glad to show you around.
We have the Lost Precipice Hall with full upgrades, and a really beautiful decor with jumping puzzles scattered throughout the hall.
Our members are from all over the world with the largest groups being from North America/Canada as well as Singapore/Malaysia. Our membership base has been hovering between 200-300 members since the beginning of GW2, but you’ll find our community more family-like than large-guild-type.
If you’re interested to join, please visit our website, or forum or contact any of the people listed below:
1. Talia – Talia.7412
2. You Sure Bout That – YSBT.7843
3. Moa Lith – Moa Lith.8140
4. Mokuren – Mokuren.4069
5. Sister – Sister Saxifrage.7361
6. King Slacker – King Slacker.1843, Super Steph.9236
7. Julliant – Julliant.9503
(edited by Talia.7412)
Bumping back to page 1.
As Talia said, we welcome newcomers and we will be more than happy to help you get accustomed to the universe of Guild Wars 2.
We also have 2 guild-organized raid sessions. One is on a “first-arrived first-in” basis and the other is a static group (may have a few spots open depending on members’ availability).
Hey I made a post the other day looking for a Guild to join for me and my 2 friends. We would love to join your guild. I’ve sent you a Friend Invite.
CV warmly welcomes you and your friend
The Charter Vanguard turns 13 years old this Friday. Spanning all the way to before GW1 at E3 for Everyone.
Bump. We are still open to new members. =)
nudge nudge Back to first page, you go.
We are still open to new members. =)
Bump. We are still open to new members. =)
Bump. We are still open to new members. =)
We also made the switch from TeamSpeak to our own Discord server.
Looks very interesting, I’ll make sure to take a look at your guild!
Let’s delve into the Path of Fire content together! We’ll be setting up a poll for new guild hall soon. If you’d like to try for that, come join us.
Hi. I would love to join your guild. I’ve only been playing for around 4 months so I’m still kinda new. I’m in the SEA region as well.
I’m looking to finish my Ad Infinitum, only on the First tier though
Always having trouble finding a party to do Fracts with!
I’m from the SEA region and play 8:30-11~pm GMT +8
Can i join your guild?
Yes you can! We’re still accepting members.
Had a lovely get together with the newcomers with the guild last Sunday. Still welcoming more!
We’re still happy to welcome more members to the guild ^^
Hi! I am relatively new to gw2, but I have played a lot of WoW in the past and I am currently loving the game! I am sophomore in college looking for a casual guild to join and have fun interacting within the game.
Currently playing 2 characters:
-Audrexia (Level 80 Ele)
-Tarsiers (Level 80 Necro)
I would love to join the guild! Thank you!
Invited! Welcome to CV
Hello! I’d also like to join c: Though I’m a pretty new to the game, I’ll work hard to improve c:
Hello! I’d also like to join c: Though I’m a pretty new to the game, I’ll work hard to improve c:
Hey Killua, there’re no skill requirements in CV. We’re beginner friendly. We’d prefer you to fill out the application form on the webpage/forum though because there’re some other details we need from you for our records. Thank you for your patience.
The webpage address is and there’s a link to the forum there as well.
Hello, Talia
Thank you very much for leaving me an invitation message. I’ve looked up the guild website and forum and I think this guild is super awesome and friendly, which makes me want to give myself a try. I’ve already filed a registration form and now I am waiting for the reply. Thanks again
Invitations have been sent! Welcome to the guild Tyrannos \o/
heya talia/mokuren just copied this post in this thread u linked me to incase u missed it.
heya just gave the site a look. I got a solid grasp on english but it ain’t my native tongue so i gotta ask. What do u mean with rp stories from your discord bieng parallel and crosing over?
I take it that all is done on discord chat including all interactions. So your characters wouldn’t actually be standing in whatever place they are on tyria? but it all text based?
also those weekly rp events are they mandatory? cause if i decided to join and u and or the leadership have decided to accept me. I might be a bit hesistant to join immeadatly in a seemingly rp event that is up to date with current canon events from what i can read. or to fully have my character take part in something which i take is also scripted to some extent.
speaking of which are they any tutors there that could guide me through it in the beginning?
all in all it seems quite interesting, espically the ceremonies and how your guild came to be.
We have many members who do not have English as mother tongue (like me, as an example) so it is not a problem.
I cannot answer your questions about the RP since I do not participate in them, so I will let Talia or Mokuren answer them. I will nonetheless let them know.
Xanctus’ questions were answered in his own thread ^^
thanks for adding me into this wonderful guild
We’re still happy to welcome more new guildies so if you’re interested in joining CV don’t hesitate to get in touch with us or fill in the form on
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