[RED]: Oceanic Gaming | Sea of Sorrows | PvX

[RED]: Oceanic Gaming | Sea of Sorrows | PvX

in Looking for...

Posted by: tombstoneradio.7145


Who We Are
Crimson Sunspears [RED] is a small, mature (average age is late 20’s to early 30’s) guild that prioritizes our friendly community over anything else. This means that we care more about the player than we do about the character that you play. We won’t belittle or lecture you for playing the profession that you prefer to play in the way (with the build) that you prefer to play it. At the end of the day, we’d much rather have a group of people online that we consider to be our friends than a group of individuals that will speed us through content without even bothering to care how our day went.

We’re primarily Australian and based on Sea of Sorrows with a playerbase that maintains a range of interests. Our members are interested in running dungeons, fractals, and WvW. We’re also highly anticipating raids and are working together to prepare our characters for the challenges ahead in Heart of Thorns. If you’re into sPvP, it’s worth asking if anyone would be interested in hopping into a match alongside you (though this tends to be the area that our playerbase visits the least).

What We Avoid
Generally speaking, we’d hope that you have the same values as our guildies (caring more for the individual than anything else). As a result, if you only care about guild perks, you should look elsewhere. Currently, we are in the process of rebuilding our roster from our previous community Crimson Mind [RED]. We also prefer to run dungeons the right way (no exploiting and minimal shortcuts). Since we enjoy our time with our members, why would we try to expedite content that allows us to hang out with our fellow members? If you care more about your gold to effort ratio, we’re definitely not the right place for you. We play the game because it’s fun and because we like a challenge. If that means we don’t always earn maximum rewards, then so be it.

Our Goals
Again, we are in the process of rebuilding the guild. We decided that Heart of Thorns was the perfect opportunity to rebrand the guild and to start fresh. As a result, the guild is brand new (though the culture has been around since the beginning of Guild Wars 2). We are looking forward to incorporating new friends into our community, working together to build a guild hall, complete guild missions, run through fractals and dungeons, and tackle raiding. Our plan is to run our guild missions (after HoT launch) and raids on Saturday and Sunday evenings.

We are a small guild (currently, our core group that has migrated from the old guild totals 10 players) that is looking to expand. However, we aren’t looking to grow into a large or mega guild. In fact, we will not have the numbers to be considered a medium-sized guild. We have no intention of growing the guild any larger than 20 (with a maximum of 25) or so active members. We simply enjoy knowing our guildies on a personal level, asking how their day went, and if there’s anything we can do to help out.

Due to the changes coming in HoT, we will not require 100% representation, though we do believe that it is beneficial in working toward our common goals. We would definitely ask that if you’re running an activity with a guild group that you represent [RED].

If you’re interested in joining the Crimson Sunspears or would like to inquire further, please head to our website (Crimson Sunspears) and have a read of our guild charter.

If you’d like to read our old forum post (from Crimson Mind), please go here.

Finally, if you’d like to chat with a member of our leadership about the guild, feel free to contact me or my wife Tiavanna.9678.

[RED]: Oceanic Gaming | Sea of Sorrows | PvX

in Looking for...

Posted by: tombstoneradio.7145


Now is a good time to check out the Crimson Sunspears if you’re interested in being an integral part of a small, community focused guild. Don’t think that just because we’re keeping our total population small that we aren’t serious about what we do in game- we definitely plan on tackling the updated versions of fractals and (eventually) the raids in the expansion. We’re also interested in helping our members get geared and prepared for the higher end content that’s coming to the game.

We currently have our core group back together and want to add some more individuals who fit in with our ethos. If you’re interested in becoming a valued and important member of our community, helping the guild to grow and progress, check us out at our website or contact either me or Tiavanna.9678 in-game to have a chat about the guild. We’re always happy to answer any questions that you might have.

[RED]: Oceanic Gaming | Sea of Sorrows | PvX

in Looking for...

Posted by: Canakun.8031


I’m interested. Having so much trouble finding some like-minded Oceanic players. Going to check out the site now.
We can chat in game later if you’d like.

Mamorou Itou Defense Club.
Protect him at all costs.

[RED]: Oceanic Gaming | Sea of Sorrows | PvX

in Looking for...

Posted by: Tiavanna.9678


We got your application and have accepted it. We know it can be difficult to find the right fit. We will be online most nights this week to send you an invite. Look forward to seeing you in game.

[RED]: Oceanic Gaming | Sea of Sorrows | PvX

in Looking for...

Posted by: tombstoneradio.7145


All of us in [RED] are eagerly anticipating the expansion (one about 15 minutes now)!

We’re still looking to add members who are interested in being a part of our tight-knit group. We’re looking forward to running the new fractals, exploring the jungle, and helping our members to gear up for raiding (if they aren’t already geared). If you’d like to be an integral part of our guild, then please message me or Tiavanna.9678 in-game. You could also check us out at our website.

Please remember that we care far more about our members than just running through content. That means that we will not be the fastest to down content, but you will have a lot of fun running the content with a group of friends. We aren’t looking for “hired guns” or people who simply want to fade away into the ether whenever they aren’t in a group. When we say that you’ll be integral, we mean it. We want to get to know all of our members and have fun running content with them.

[RED]: Oceanic Gaming | Sea of Sorrows | PvX

in Looking for...

Posted by: tombstoneradio.7145


[RED] is still looking to add a few more friends to our community. Since release of Heart of Thorns, we’ve been running around the jungle, claimed our guild hall, completing guild events, and tackling fractals along with all of the other content we enjoy. Remember that we are interested in building toward raiding, but if your focus is on downing content as quickly as possible just obtain loot, we’re probably not the right community for you.

If you’re interested in a small, friendly community that enjoys helping each other out, feel free to contact me or Tiavanna.9678 in-game for a chat.