[REQ, Gandara] Join this mighty guild!

[REQ, Gandara] Join this mighty guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello there!

I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. It is a guild with about 500 players, but we’re always looking for active players. Are you an active player and would you like a social, active and fun community? Then join The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] on the Gandara server!

What does [REQ] have to offer?

  • Events each day like
    - WvW nights,
    - Map exploration,
    - sPvP tournements (in our private server),
    - Orr farming,
    - Guild Missions (twice a week),
    - Quizzes,
    - Hide and Seek
    - Deadly Darts
    - Jumping puzzle farming/races
    - Loads of other random events.
  • Daily (randomly put together) WvW and dungeon groups
  • We got very experienced players who will give you all the advise/help you need
  • We also got players who are new to GW2, which you may level with
  • A fun, talkative, welcoming community
  • TS3

Interrested? Contact me or any other leader in-game, or leave a message at our forums/website: req.shivtr.com

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~ req.shivtr.com