Hello there!
My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. We’re mainly located at the Gandara server and enjoying all aspects of the game. We have established a fun, laid-back and social community of about 300-400 people. This means there is always someone around to play with. Making a group for a dungeon, making a party for the pavillion, joining a good map for a Tequatl attempt.. it is no problem once you’re in REQ!
As said, we’re a PvX guild. This means we do everything at random times, but we also try to organize a guild event every night! What kind of events?
- WvW- nights
- Quiz nights, Deadly Darts
- Jumping Puzzle Galore, Meet-the-Members
- World Bosses
- Guild Missions (twice a week)
- tPvP and PvP Tournements
- Dungeon and FotM nights
- And many more!
Are you a social, laid-back player? Are you “spamming” the guild chat? Or talking “our ears off” on our private TS server? Do you enjoy sharing tips and tricks? Or could you use the help of the awesome players of REQ? Do you like playing with guildies? Leave a message at our forums ( REQ.SHIVTR.COM ) or contact me (or any of the other officers) in-game!
Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~ req.shivtr.com
What did we do the last few days?
- We had some lovely tPvP,
- A wicked dungeon night,
- Spawned Karka Queen
- We “owned” the Pavilion with 6 REQ commanders and many gold runs!
Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~ req.shivtr.com
What’s coming up!..
Quizzz night, FotM event, spawning Karka, Guild Missions.. and a lot of REQvillion!
Don’t miss anything! Apply on our website now! REQ.SHIVTR.COM
Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~ req.shivtr.com
Many gold runs today! Going to the Pavilion thursday again, after we slay Karka Queen!
Don’t want to miss it? Send me an in-game mail or leave a message at our forums!!
Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~ req.shivtr.com
I’ll just bump this topic once more before I make a new one..
Please leave a message at our forums or contact me in-game to join [REQ]! It will be the best decision you’ve made in quite some time!
Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~ req.shivtr.com