Hey there!
My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. [REQ] is a 300+ man PvX guild, which means we enjoy all aspects of the game. Dungeons, Fractals of the Mists, World versus World, World Bosses, Living Story and PvP are all part of our daily routine. But next to these ‘random’ things we do, we also try to organize daily events. This can be basicly everything, but includes:
- WvW nights,
- 1v1 Tournements and Asuraball,
- Quizzes, Hide and Seek or Deadly Darts,
- Jumping Puzzle Galore,
- Guild Missions (all missions unlocked, main run on sunday),
- “Special” events (roleplayerish, scavenger hunts),
- Forum Events (screenshot contest)
- Many more events!
Upcoming thursday (tomorrow) we will have a special event, called “Quaggan Travels”. You don’t want to miss this, so contact me in-game to get an invite, or leave a message at our forums: req.shivtr.com .
Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~ req.shivtr.com
Just a picture we took at the end of our “special” event called Quaggan Travels!
[REQ] worked together with [TKT] to make this AWESOME event possible!
Don’t want to miss any special events? Then join REQ!
Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~ req.shivtr.com
We’re still recruiting! Join now and participate in Jumping Puzzle Galore tonight!
Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~ req.shivtr.com
Although we will make our event scedule tonight after the guild missions, I can already tell you we will organize a 1v1 tournement really soon!
Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~ req.shivtr.com
Update: The PvP Tournement will be brought to all [REQ] members this wednesday! Upcoming friday we’ll do a LS-Achievement-Hunt!! Don’t miss anything!
Join [REQ]!
Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~ req.shivtr.com
This will be the last time I bump this post before I create a new one. Just wanted to let you all know we’re still recruiting and we’ve got a lot of fun stuff coming up this week, and the week after, and the week after that..! So don’t miss anything and JOIN NOW!
Leave a message at req.shivtr.com !
Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~ req.shivtr.com