[REQ, Gandara] this is the time to join!

[REQ, Gandara] this is the time to join!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello all!

My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. It is a guild with ~500 members located on the Gandara server. Currently we’re refreshing the inactive players (who are a minority) for new, active, fun players! Your experience (or level) with MMO’s or GW2 doesn’t matter; if you’re looking to have some fun you’re welcome to join our ranks! Our current members will be there to advise you, or help you on your most dificult quests. Also we can teach you sPvP, WvW or dungeons; there is always something going on in REQ!

Besides the random things all players come up with, we’re also organizing events. We do this basicly every day, and sometimes even multiple times a day! What kind of events you ask? Well..

  • WvW nights
  • sPvP tournements
  • Map exploration
  • Quizzes, races, jumping puzzle events, or deadly darts,
  • Guild Missions (twice per week, all missions unlocked)

We’re not only [REQ]. We’re more! The Requiem of the Dead is part of a group of guilds working together. This group of guilds has to goal to create some wicked events! What do we do.. we got a weekly Alliance WvW event. But every now and then, we pull of something wicked!

NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN [REQ]. In December our guild will turn 1 year old and we won’t let our birthday pass by without anyone noticing! We’re organizing a lot of HUGE, FUN events. Be part of [REQ] and be able to join our anniversery!

Want to know more? Or are you ready to become a true REQian? Let me know in-game or leave a message at our forums: req.shivtr.com .

Cya around!


Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~ req.shivtr.com