[RISE] Those Who Fell [PvX] - NSP Based

[RISE] Those Who Fell [PvX] - NSP Based

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


Those Who Fell [RISE] is a PvX guild dedicated to developing a friendly and welcoming community for all! We dabble in everything GW2 has to offer and love just having fun and enjoying the game! We accept players of all levels, experience, age, and background! (We do not discriminate!) Our guild is a healthy environment for all and we take pride in making our little community a home for everyone!

Because we are such a welcoming and chill guild, we have few requirements! We highly encourage our members to cooperate with other guilds, as building relationships within the server is important for a strong community! However, while we don’t require 100% representation out of our members, we do expect a reasonable rep rate. Being a member of [RISE] is a privilege, not a right, and contribution is expected by all! (The form of this contribution is up the member. Just simply being very sociable is considered a high contribution to the guild! Pretty simple!)

The other big requirement we have is being respectful! We are adamant in making sure this is a welcoming place to be, so drama and disrespect is not taken lightly, and is dealt with swiftly and effectively.

As previously stated above, we dabble in everything GW2 has to offer! You can find us in PvE, PvP, and WvW! We also tend to AFK or chill in the main hub of Lions Arch as well! Wherever you may find us, never hesitate to say hello! We love meeting new people and striking up conversations!

If you wish to contact us in game, here is a small list of those of us that are easiest to get a hold of any time!

Trista (Guild Leader): ehaugen.7201
Dethika (Officer): Archedon.5483
MaxxLD (Officer-in-the-making): maxx.1236

Please keep in mind: the RISE guild is on the Northern Shiverpeaks server, and we will most certainly love to have members on the server to join us. Though, that doesn’t mean you can’t if you are on another server either! (If you would be willing to come join us within WvW, then by all means: we’ll help you transfer!)

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

(edited by Joseph.9853)

[RISE] Those Who Fell [PvX] - NSP Based

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


RISE has picked up a few great members over the pass couple of days, and we would like to see you come join us!

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

[RISE] Those Who Fell [PvX] - NSP Based

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


Living Story update is tomorrow, come play the content with your friends at RISE. =) (I personally adore those living-story people!)

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

[RISE] Those Who Fell [PvX] - NSP Based

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


Living story update is now out! Come and play the new update with your friends at RISE! =D

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

[RISE] Those Who Fell [PvX] - NSP Based

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


RISE has picked up a few great members over the pass couple of days, and we would like to see you come join us!

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

[RISE] Those Who Fell [PvX] - NSP Based

in Looking for...

Posted by: monkeydog.3914


I’m one of the newer members of [RISE], and can attest to the fact that all the folks in the guild are wonderful people. If you’re a friendly person looking for a new GW2 family, join us!


[RISE] Those Who Fell [PvX] - NSP Based

in Looking for...

Posted by: McMottle.3605


I’ve been in a few guilds with the guild leader of [RISE] for several years and have had a blast with them. Trista attracts all the right people, and am glad to be in another guild with her. There’s just one thing about a certain officer:

Lanthun is crazy, head for the hills!

Shut your talk-hole, bookah. Every time you open it, you drip stupid all over my floor.

[RISE] Those Who Fell [PvX] - NSP Based

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


I’m one of the newer members of [RISE], and can attest to the fact that all the folks in the guild are wonderful people. If you’re a friendly person looking for a new GW2 family, join us!


I’ve been in a few guilds with the guild leader of [RISE] for several years and have had a blast with them. Trista attracts all the right people, and am glad to be in another guild with her. There’s just one thing about a certain officer:

Lanthun is crazy, head for the hills!

Thanks for the kind words you two, especially you Mottle (I’ll get you for that!).

We are still actively recruiting new people into our guild, new/old players, and would love for you to come and join us! WvW reset is tonight, so let’s make some mayhem!

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

[RISE] Those Who Fell [PvX] - NSP Based

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


[RISE] is up and growing! We have gained a couple of great members over the past week, and have they been a blast to be with! We hope to see you be our next new member to have a blast with! =D

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

[RISE] Those Who Fell [PvX] - NSP Based

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


[RISE] is still up and recruiting new members! We would love to have you in our guild! Newb or veteran, on NSP or not: we’d love to have you with us! =D

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

[RISE] Those Who Fell [PvX] - NSP Based

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


RISE has a new officer-in-training, Maxx! If you come to RISE, make sure to say hi to him! He will be an expert in the PvE branch along side with yours truly, so watch out!

We are still looking to take in new members! US Thanksgiving is this week: we hope you come and enjoy the holidays with your friends at RISE. =)

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

[RISE] Those Who Fell [PvX] - NSP Based

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


Happy Thanksgiving to all US players from your friends at RISE. =)

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

[RISE] Those Who Fell [PvX] - NSP Based

in Looking for...

Posted by: ehaugen.7201


I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving! I know I ate WAY too much food! I know it’s a little late, but I am so thankful for my guild and all of my fellow members within! Membership continues to RISE (see what I did there?!) and our community is flourishing! If you are looking for a chill guild that does EVERYTHING and also just likes to hang out sometimes in guild chat and Teamspeak, then we are the ones for you! Contact one of us and say hello! We don’t bite! (Often) <3

~ Trista ~
1 of 3 Guild Leaders of Those Who Fell [RISE]
Proud Citizen of Blackgate!