(edited by Rayleigh.4082)
[Ren] Dungeon/PvX guild recruiting
^bump (yes we’re awesome and yes we’re still looking for more people to join and enjoy this game with us)
Hey, I’m 80 lvl Norn Warrior looking for guild. Can I join you?
Bumping this, as we are awesome. Highly skilled players (and Ray) who help players who want to increase their skill, and new players without much experience (like Ray) that are shepherded into awesomeness! (J/K Ray, you’re an awesome guild leader!!)
Came here a month ago and incredibly happy to be here! Come try us out to get better and be awesome!
I remember a few Ren members attending Teq a few weeks ago and trolling everyone on map with commander tags and foods. Not cool.
Join [Ren]. WE ROCK THE MOTHER****ing world!
I’ve ran with [Ren] for a while now, and have found them to be a great group of gamers from this and other games i’ve played with them in the past. I do not believe they are too serious or inexperienced. Don’t take a single action of one person and think that you can just post bad things about a guild as a whole as if that even makes sense that the whole guild is doing dumb stuff. Much respect for the guild and it’s members.
still recruiting, want more aussies/asian/EU players to get in touch.
Probably the largest Zerker guild in existence, need a guild where there are things going all day everyday and around-the-clock coverage by our members? Fast runs, awesome/helpful people; we do more than just dungeons as a guild efficiently; looking to smash speedclear records with dedicated teams. Best of all, we filter through people with bad attitudes despite any skill levels they may possess
Apply at: www.renegatus.net
We’ll review your application and message you in game to set up a trial.
What about EU players, do you accept them ?
Because im Currently at Gandara, but your guild sounds really nice and promising and i feel quite tempted to Apply
(edited by Artasqweroldy.7458)
Awesome guild of very highly skilled players, If you are confident in your ability and skill as a player, And know how to use team work to speed clear a dungeon then Ren is the place to be
^that’s right, if you main a necro and insist in playing it in dungeons and bring everyone misery whilst running with you then do not come anywhere near this guild, because not only will we crap all over your necro and humiliate you we will make an example of you just as we made an example of the legendary Clerics Ranger
^that’s right, if you main a necro and insist in playing it in dungeons and bring everyone misery whilst running with you then do not come anywhere near this guild, because not only will we crap all over your necro and humiliate you we will make an example of you just as we made an example of the legendary Clerics Ranger
Funny, seeing as I don’t even have a Necro, my mains are Warrior and Mesmer. But your response proves my point, thank you.
Avoid this guild
^that’s right, if you main a necro and insist in playing it in dungeons and bring everyone misery whilst running with you then do not come anywhere near this guild, because not only will we crap all over your necro and humiliate you we will make an example of you just as we made an example of the legendary Clerics Ranger
Funny, seeing as I don’t even have a Necro, my mains are Warrior and Mesmer. But your response proves my point, thank you.
Avoid this guild
This is the friend of the necromancer that we kicked ^.^
I wonder if you’re going to need to bump this thread anymore ray
I am somewhat new to guild wars looking for a guild to join. This one looks like fun and i’m interested in joining but, I do not have a max level character.
Pushing on from our second place finish in the DnT tournament, looking to solidify ourselves as one of the best guilds around and build on our growing reputation.
(edited by Rayleigh.4082)
0_0 to many bumps
^that’s right, if you main a necro and insist in playing it in dungeons and bring everyone misery whilst running with you then do not come anywhere near this guild, because not only will we crap all over your necro and humiliate you we will make an example of you just as we made an example of the legendary Clerics Ranger
Funny, seeing as I don’t even have a Necro, my mains are Warrior and Mesmer. But your response proves my point, thank you.
Avoid this guild
This is the friend of the necromancer that we kicked ^.^
You mean me? Way to lie about it, I left.
Oh I watched you in the DnT tourney. Even one of your members rage quit on you.
Maybe stop blaming others for your inadequacies.
^that’s right, if you main a necro and insist in playing it in dungeons and bring everyone misery whilst running with you then do not come anywhere near this guild, because not only will we crap all over your necro and humiliate you we will make an example of you just as we made an example of the legendary Clerics Ranger
Funny, seeing as I don’t even have a Necro, my mains are Warrior and Mesmer. But your response proves my point, thank you.
Avoid this guild
This is the friend of the necromancer that we kicked ^.^
You mean me? Way to lie about it, I left.
Oh I watched you in the DnT tourney. Even one of your members rage quit on you.
Maybe stop blaming others for your inadequacies.
One of DnT’s members were in our ts and had informed us that the other team wiped, and it being the 3rd game of the round, we weren’t obliged to finish the path to secure our win, hence why we started goofing off before party leader decided to call it quits (why continue when we’ve won?). But thank you for watching us, and thank you for bringing your dark fields to a speedclear run. I will miss those days (!) Biggest drama queen, tells me he wants to play the game for fun but every other week he’s starting a fight with someone. Have fun in your new casual home, some people simply do not have 10 hours to spend in a dungeon due to an individual’s stubborness.
Do your homework before applying.
“I have a dream, a dream of necro being useful in Dungeons one day, and Engi being used in Speedrun-records !”
We are still looking for more EU players !
[Ren] is a great, friendly and generally very skilled guild, and I really appreciate being in this guild.
Definitely the guild to join for fast paced and good laughs.. DO NOT be a casual or take dungeon tours/trains lightly.. because ain’t nobody got time for scrubs
Unratedx: “Where are the married women at?” <—- get in touch lol
Is [Ren] recruiting players that are still new to GW2 and learning how to run dungeon?
(edited by Tyrant.5834)
What does the trial process involve?
I guess I’m wondering if you guys run every dungeon out there, or what to expect.
(edited by Leap.2760)
Wanting EU/OCX players to apply
^ Bump ^
^ Also A Bump ^
^ Also A Bump ^
Big pls