Returning East Coast Player LF ActiveGuild
I’m in the exact same boat. I’m on Fort Aspenwood…but I’m willing to transfer. Also from the east coast and also a returning casual player just looking for people to have fun and play the game with.
Added you man. And nice! Glad to find someone else in the same boat.
We have a post here we are 160 members mostly cst time zone run most anything PvE dungeons living story mapping. Etc we are most active mid afternoon to late evening times feel free to pm me in game with questions!
Hey Chris,
I run an active PvX/WvW guild on TC, Dragon Empire Alliance. We have a lot of new/returning players, so you’d fit right in. We have about 25 on each night and repping during NA primetimes and we do a lot of wvw, pvp, dungeons, pve etc. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll send you an invite.
- Josh
Critical Impact [Crit]
in game invites sent to both of you
Umbral Ascendancy [UA]