Returning SOS player lf Social PvE Guild
Hi AzureHunter,
While I’m not sure whether or not our age demographic is a fit for you, you might find our guild worth looking at.
Just us Grown ups [JUGs] is a friendly, easy-going and drama-free guild which caters to the older gamer.
- Over 150 members on the Jade Quarry server.
- A personal Teamspeak3 server
- A fully upgraded guild
- A feature-rich website.
- Our guild is comprised mostly of players who are over 30 years old or older, that are friendly, easy to get along with, and enjoy the low-key atmosphere of being in a more mature guild.
- We have a fairly even balance of both men and women (actually, I think the men are outnumbered) and quite a few husband and wife teams as well.
- We are a guild that runs on the voice and opinions of our members. How the guild progresses is decided by you.
Our members regularly get together for events, dungeon, fractal and farming runs; Whichever activity you’d like to do, it shouldn’t be hard to find guild-mates to run along with you. Our website makes it easy to organize events of your own.
Our guild is suitable for both veteran and non-veteran players and we encourage those with more experience to share their knowledge with those who might need help or advice with the game.
We do ask that you only represent our guild while you’re a member and won’t get uptight if every once in a while you pop into a friend’s or specialized guild (e.g. TTS).
While we strive to be an active guild, we are open to casual gamers who may only be able to log in every now and then. Real life always comes first at our guild and we understand that sometimes you just can’t find the free time to play; we’ll be here when you can.
We are a Guild Wars 2 guild and will always remain so; we’re looking for players who are into the game for the long haul as well.
If we sound like we’re the guild for you, feel free to fill out an application on our website: Feel free to contact me or any of our officers in-game if you have any questions.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Take care,
~ Neksis Syxx.6983
Algarath.3058 (Central European Time Zone)
Ryvn.8094 (Pacific Time Zone)
Sweetblue Huntress.9856
Tor Elgard.2675
Contact: Neksis Syxx.6983 Archranis.2375
To Neksis, thank you for the invitation, and I love the sound of the guild. I have recently received a pm invitation to another guild however, and they also desire 100% representation.
I appreciate your offer and hope your guild prospers with players that will lead your guild to a long and healthy relationship with GW2 going forward. See you in Tyria if the Megaserver decides our paths should meet
Whats up Azure Hunter?! The Mackerels have done some Guild cleaning and have some shiny spots up for grabs! If you think we are up your alley just give us a shout!!
Are you a fan of devouring dungeons? Havoc group destruction in WvW? Collecting achievements and various PvE goodies? Or rocking some toons in PvP perhaps? Well if you’ve answered yes to any one of these, then you might have already found yourself a cozy little spot here at The Unholy Mackerels [UM]! We are a fully upgraded guild looking to add to our tight knit family of gamers!
Currently [UM] is looking to bring in active, friendly, and social gamers to become a part of our family! As long as you enjoy at least one aspect of what Guild Wars has to offer, you’ll find you have a place amongst us! Who knows, in time you might grow to enjoy all aspects of the game! Don’t worry about your skill level, we all grow together as a guild and individual gamers, so its all a matter of time! Don’t be afraid to dive in and get dirty!
Activities For All Areas
- Multiple Daily Dungeons
- Daily PvP
- Fractals and Guild Missions
- WvW Havoc runs
– Don’t be afraid to shout in /g chat to party up!
Fully Upgraded Guild
- All guild missions
– 3 guild bank tabs for dungeon potions, siege, and 50% OFF guildie donated mats n other gear!
– 24/7 Magic Find and Gold Earned bonus
– Full buffs Fri through Sun – magic find, gathering, karma, experience, crafting and gold !
Extremely Social
– Website with Forums (use of highly encouraged)
– TeamSpeak (highly encouraged for group events and more)
– Monthly movie/drinking nights and games (UM favorite)
– We play other games together!
– We are friendly, love to joke, and socialize creating long term friendships. Maturity with a tiny bit of immaturity is what we like to call it. AKA adults having fun.
Room to Grow
– We currently have a couple of leadership (officer) positions that are available for those interested in growing in the guild and becoming a key leader for our mackerels either in PVE or WVW.
Have Questions? Msg any one of our mods or leaders and we would be more than happy to help! Rits.4036, Slipstream.6405, InSaneIty.8621
Sounds like we are the perfect fit for you?
Check us out at to apply!