Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Wemil.7052



SFR is a server that is very proud of its accomplishments. We have fought against the very best and we have always stood united. We had our ups and downs, but we are still here. To us, the SFR community is like a second family.

We are currently looking for a night capping force in the GMT -5 time zone, playing 01:00-05:00 or even later. We don’t lack a morning force, but you’re welcome to raid the whole morning if you want! Just be prepared for occasional morning queues because of our map jump force.

To name a few:
• A TeamSpeak server
• Excellent communication
• Friendly people
• Recruitment opportunities
• Builds, tactics, all of our kitten nal.

But the most important thing would be: we offer you a tried and tested (serious) community.

We could go on and talk about what we’re good at, what we’ve done and why our server would be a good choice for you, but we feel that actions speak louder than words. For this reason, we invite you to check out our anniversary video –

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Wemil.7052


So far several guilds have contacted me and are interested into becoming our ‘’night cappers’’ if you are interested into joining sfr please decide quickly because the next very week sfr might just have enough night cappers and will close it down those who decide to join without asking wont be able to get any slots. and we will simple not give any slots.

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Feindsender.1043


But the most important thing would be: we offer you a tried and tested (serious) bandwagon community.


Dressed in black uniforms so fine
We drank and killed to pass the time.

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mizhas.8536


So far several guilds have contacted me and are interested into becoming our ‘’night cappers’’ if you are interested into joining sfr please decide quickly because the next very week sfr might just have enough night cappers and will close it down those who decide to join without asking wont be able to get any slots. and we will simple not give any slots.

If you really think that you can avoid anyone to join your server you’re wrong.

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Drigan.7382


Soo you’re 50k up on the #2 server and need night capping why..? Sounds like if we wanted to find anyone to fight you guys you guys are the only ones that have anyone.

Spirit Of Faith [HOPE]
Fort Aspenwood –

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: lmcvann.4781


So far several guilds have contacted me and are interested into becoming our ‘’night cappers’’ if you are interested into joining sfr please decide quickly because the next very week sfr might just have enough night cappers and will close it down those who decide to join without asking wont be able to get any slots. and we will simple not give any slots.

Hahahaha I just LOL’d at this, but this really is the way you guys think, So people can only Q if you auth them a slot


Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: milton.1796


Wemil is unemployed.

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Troma.3250


Searching and trying to recruit some more NA guilds, with the insane coverage and all the guilds/countrys you have already (far beyond Vizunah, already making us sleep less) is totaly impossible to understand for me. Nonsense, except if you want an easy win, and this is the case with what i see…

before making a decision, i hope US guild will check the mos ranking and see the actual crazy SFR coverage. Sorry to whine, it’s not in my habits, but i find this grotesque because i know you are already almost overkill.

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

(edited by Troma.3250)

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Teel.9036


Happy to see you’re still around Troma. I agree, the need to seek coverage while being the top server feels a bit… off. Reminds me of JQ when we played on SoS

Teelie l VoTF

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Holm.7058


Happy to see you’re still around Troma. I agree, the need to seek coverage while being the top server feels a bit… off. Reminds me of JQ when we played on SoS

A VoTF agreeing on Troma himself that nightcapping is overkill? Have you completely forgotten what Far Shiverpeak had to endure by vizunah before you moved out???

I hope you will feel miserable in every matchup against us Troma. I like you, but it’s time for you to endure what we had to endure back in far shiverpeaks days.

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Troma.3250


The only and huge, very huge difference is that we were full of passion and dedication my old Holm, and played night by ourselves. It’s a lot harder to push sleep and self limits and having someone doing the cap for you…

Teelie doesn’t agree on nightcap. We speak about the massive stacking already overkill, and the nonsense to make more and more people coming again !

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Holm.7058


Troma, in the 2 aspects of the game, politics and gameplay itself, vizunah never won because of the last part. I think FSP even won against you in beta weekends because we could stay up as long as you, or does my memory fool me?
Politics was all you got and it was very powerful. Still is. FSP beat you in gameplay aspect each time. But how can a pug server handle the coverage of a pre-existing community? That’s exactly why the canadian rumors started isn’kitten No one understood how you could have people on at night.
With ANETs tool to control your server was non existant what could you do? Nothing. And you say now others are overkill? Sorry but in my view anyone from vizunah doesn’t have the right to say overkill.

And on another note, I encourage all the servers to do this. So far in EU league it’s always been a question of coverage no matter how you handled it (recruiting, CTAs, timezones, etc). The only way to make this a game of skill is for everyone to have full coverage. So if you’re sick an tired of SFR being #1 and you feel it’s only because of coverage, you know what to do…

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Empyre.2531


Where’s the difference between stacking the server with so many french speaking pugs that you got a massive nightshift for over a year and NA nightshifters?

You had so many zombies that it didn’t matter if some people took a week off, remember your bi-weekly rythm on playing for points? Viz slacked and still dominated the matchup. Guess why, it’s so stacked with pu, it doesn’t matter if your guilds play, 1 commander with a horde of pu will secure the victory at night.

Way to fail to whine about someone who has NA nightshift and is looking for more.

But to make you feel less bitter Troma, you got rolled by less stacked servers then SFR before, talking about dedication.


Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Troma.3250


@Holm: in this time fights were really good, and you are hard when you talk about gameplay. We optimized defense/ppt/scouts etc to the max, and outdoor fights were pretty nice, i remember them when i was WL.

@Empyre: the difference is massive we never make a recruit post to make people come. People choosed to come by themselves.

We made a server with a soul, a respectful community for pugs players (called Vizunians) and a lot of guilds made sacrifices to make the machine work.

There is a difference with doing guilds/timezone rolling and pushing “pugs”, casual or hardcore people together to their limits.

There is a difference between searching for more and more people when you server is already full, and making your server a good place for everyone to build a community.

I’m not saying SFR has no community: the core is pretty good, even if some members show 0 respect. SFR has rebuilt whe needed and show willpower.

The overkill is searching NA guilds again, right now, because you have already the most people by far. That’s just what i wanted to say. I’m not bitter, but if the balance is really kittened up for the league, i will be yes.

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

(edited by Troma.3250)

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Empyre.2531


Lol, nice Troll on SFR community Troma, I have to give you that.

Viz never asked other guilds to come? Don’t make me laugh, maybe you didn’t but surely other parts of leadership within GC alliance did.

We all know what was said on Viz meeting, you reported my post on it, lol’d, go ahead and try to lull sfr to sleep, I hope they’ll crush (= night- and morning cap the kitten out of you, during prime we know Viz was never good) you once more.

If you didn’t realise, it doesn’t matter who is there to make a server “full”. Your all french speaking pu aren’t better then any of the russian, american whatever pu on SFR.


(edited by Empyre.2531)

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Troma.3250


It’s not a troll, it was an honest compliment. SFR core is pretty good, and they do a big community work. Sad thing is big head and big mouths in it, but not everyone.

of course i don’t say french are better than america or russia (and bad exemple i love thoses two countrys)

but what i said is: Vizunians feel its their realm, their homeland, like daoc did. Thats what we wanted to create.

And i know you want us to loose: u never appreciated us. And whatever i said/say, you find something to attack me.

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Empyre.2531


Why should I appreciate something that is contrary to my every belief in gaming?

Remember how your fellow realmmembers, your soulful server, kittentalked on other servers when they were winning and nowhere to be seen when losing? Have you ever read JOL forums? The hate towards eachother when nightcapping got you nowhere in the matchup? Nice community. Face it, your community hasn’t got more soul or dedication then any other. It’s a greater challenge in a multi-language and mentality enviroment. Viz was just more stacked then others at that time or why did your “nightcap” suddenly collapse when there was a server with more people at night?


(edited by Empyre.2531)

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Troma.3250


So you are taking for example JOL, known in France since 10 years for the trash and garbage posted everytime? you take for example Kingface and 2-3 other lamers, for the thousand of people who stayed in silence? here is a google translated post of a Vizunian:

Vizunah native , I have lived the age of gold or the server and how you’ve all transcandé to create the legend. For it is you lead the first time , GC and conférérés who have insuflé we in this fighting spirit and the “national” pride that led us to surpass ourselves and allowed us all to live these months of intense pleasure in defending our honor, our name and our land. at the hour or the first tremor of total war are heard, the concern is this because we are still dormant. But I am sure of one thing , the spirit is not dead , it is nestled deep within us , waiting for the sound of boots trampling our enemies heard campaigns to flare up again . and it is up to us all the old , everyone who has been inhabited by the heroic breath and saw the glory days server to pass the torch by example and create the first tsunami waves that carry everything in its path . Heya VZ . die my brothers , but do not give up arms."

This, is our community. You took the 5% of trollers and haters we have to make a generality? this is totally wrong. It’s like if i take Hebril responsible for all the SFR mentality :]

quote from this morning on jol forum: " Jolwar =/= Gw2"

And yes, our soul and dedication is huge: when we faced difficulty, no server explosion, no disbands. Instead of going to bed, we tried to resist to the maximum. We changed strategys, and had to play a lot more to tank.

Our nightcap collapsed because it was the same players, of day/night, against fresh US players, or huge guilds.

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

(edited by Troma.3250)

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Empyre.2531


All the trash and garbage on JOL, yet everyone is there to make it represent a viable average of your server.

Nice pep talk, but the effect was nowhere seen ingame, crushed every time a server had more coverage. If anything, medicore on prime, when most of the top5 servers can field equal numbers.

You don’t even know when people left your server (quitting game etc), the core is maybe stable, but the enviroment is fractal, just you got enough pu to fill most spots when left open.

Ye, everyone who plays on Viz is representing your community, that’s what you are proud of? Everyone being part of the community. So yes, those 5% lamers (you got 5% nobheads on your server, gg, that’s prolly 99% more then every other server got) do represent Viz and I take what they say down on the server. You covered Kingface in the past as far as I can remember, so I have to assume you share his view internally too.


Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Troma.3250


Covered Kingface i had public quarrel with him in front of GC members many times and even asked him to shut up. You made me laugh here…

Prime PPT are moving everytime and you can check the last versus SFR, was far from bad.

Sorry again SFR for this posts, but some things had to be said. Recruit more NA if you want, but for me it’s… bah, do whatever you want. Just, i hope it won’t be too much, because it’s already for me. Ba-bye

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Empyre.2531


Ok, I look at last match vs SFR. I can’t see any Viz lead during prime (except thursday evening when noone cared to play anymore), even Kodash is better sometimes and they are a desert. SFR is just a nightcap server, so that isn’t even a good example for good prime.

Reread what you posted back then and see how you got two-faces if what you say is true. I think I said that back then, “you do all this for a server, as ungrateful as yours?”
Might have been Leocryn instead okittengface though, but doesn’t matter they are all kittenheads.


Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Boomstin.3460


Can’t everyone just agree that all the top servers suck equally and eventually will run the gamemode to the ground by sucking all the players from the other servers. It’s been an ongoing process for a year now.
How awesome it would have been if all the servers would be more or less equal in strenght instead of this who recruited the most unemployed people that play from their parents basement at night capping empty keeps and by day handhold with other ‘pro’ guilds when they get wiped once.
Sitting in a queue for 4 hours is great, as long as your server wins.

All is vain.

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kidaa.7482


This server is very pathetic people

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Axle.5182


In NA things are more balanced over there with the top 3 servers equally matched to give each other a run for their money they have more than one prime time unlike EU servers and no matter the time there is always a hard fight to be found.

EU guilds that have moved to NA have found a place where most of their opponents also have overlapping coverage 10am-2pm PDT the opposite could be said about NA players coming to EU covering 2am-6am GMT+1 those poor souls will have nothing to fight except a few scouts and a rag tag of exhausted pugs suffering with insomnia fuelled by an over indulgence of caffeine products, ofc you will be contributing to PPT but there will be no fun in doing so unless your into Karma trains.

Tbh it would be a different story if EU was similar to NA in coverage but NA player and guild integration into EU servers really hasn’t taken off very few have such players and guilds in any meaningful numbers if at all to make it competitive during their playing time for most NA players will populate a dead time zone lacking challenge and competition the move would be better justified by re-branding yourselves a PVE guild and farming Champions.

Just my two cents.

[AFTL] Afterlife Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Axle.5182)

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: AgentChaos.4932


^ you could have used a few more ,, or . so hard to read your post O_O


Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mighty Ice Arrow.9268

Mighty Ice Arrow.9268


Can you stop the crying? Can you stop to interfere with our right to choose? Can you save your speeches to your server? Can you shut up (I’m sure I’m not offending you, because you told the same to Kingface)?

“Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” this words ring a bell for you?

I respect a lot many people from your server (Kingface included), but you really are passing the marks. Work in your server, let the others do the same.

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: XRKUN.1782


relax my dear opponents, you dont expect any serious NA guild to transfer to us because they now have the permission of some server jester. The ones wanting to join us would have done so anyway. So the only things attracted by this will be some weak minded nobodies. No harm done.
Now get your own server prepared for the league and have some fun on the field.

Ultimate Zerg Legend
Seafarer’s Rest (SFR)

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: generalkreator.4687


Troma , The Vizunah Propaganda Minister, now he cries and when the league starts, all the Viz Zombies come back and Nighcap everything. With your hypocritical art you just want to go make sure you have no opponents.

General Kreator | Thief
[Nas] Nástrandir
Seafarer´s Rest

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Troma.3250


You are totally wrong and understood nothing of what i said.

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: generalkreator.4687


I understand everything. Your Server night and morningcapped every EU server for over1 Year, and now you comming to the Forum and crying about it!
You’re a hypocritical snake and it is not hard to understand what you plan.

General Kreator | Thief
[Nas] Nástrandir
Seafarer´s Rest

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Troma.3250


Read all my post before saying totally out of context things, and please be more respectful. You have already a massive coverage and the bigger, recruiting NA is nonsense, im not crying at all it´s just good sense.

I’m always honest in everything i do so stop your personnal attacks

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Feindsender.1043


…but Vizu never has called for NA Guilds. Remember Desolations “Ruin”.

Dressed in black uniforms so fine
We drank and killed to pass the time.

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zybakus.1270


SFR is by far the worst community I’ve seen in an MMO in 12 years. (insults, cheats, spy and many more waiting for you!) RESPECT

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Wemil.7052


Wemil is unemployed.

I got 2 part time jobs but thank you

anyway thank you for the nice offers got 6 beautiful guilds lined up atm the community will discuss if we really need night cappers then we will discuss with the guild and etc

Im posting it here to make some players whine some more


‘’sfr got almost no night cappers except a houndred or so xD’’

and troma just for you I will try not to get night capping guild here to first season but you never now

and Zybakus are you really in sfr? jesus.

personally im gonna try to get as many good players to our beautiful MooN guild I like it a lot a bit casual guild but good speaking players good tactic working hard love them <3


your cute man.

Gw2 is a free game it means you cannot stop someone from joining your server but basically if there is a hugh community that says to a guild ‘’NO YOU CANNOT STAY HERE’’ well they will do something to stop you from getting in maybe get info where you going it has happened a lot of times a lot pugs and raids have started on just that border so its been impossible to get in que.

a strong community can do a lot and sfr is very good

except we got too much slakays and drama topics these days but everyone is excited to the league that’s why.

(edited by Wemil.7052)

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Empyre.2531


So you are taking for example JOL, known in France since 10 years for the trash and garbage posted everytime?

Yep, only trash on JoL:

“Si tu peux jouer la nuit tu le feras.”
“Pour la victoire le score tu joueras.”

Prepare for old viz comeback!


(edited by Empyre.2531)

Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joriel.1530


Its obvious that vizunah will come at league start for the win

i7 4770k @ 4.5ghz | GTX 780 | 8GB GSKILL RAM @ 1866mhz