[SOD] Underworld PvX guild

[SOD] Underworld PvX guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: MakJulos.6530


If looking for huge guild where you’ll have 499 strangers around you then you might want to stop reading now already , but if you are interested in getting more buddies in game- having a few more nice ppl around to play with and get help/advice from if needed, then Splinters of Dawn could be something for you!

[SOD] is an itsy bitsy small guild, with not that many active players, sometimes just a couple online, but we ofc get a bunch of dungeons and Fractals done every week. We’ve achieved a few of the Guild Upgrades – big bank, Guild armor/weapons, some WvW upgrades – a bit of everything, and working together on more.

We recently unlocked the Guild Bounty Missions, and that is part of why i post here – we could use a couple more members to be able to run these smoothly!

Originally we were a few coming from SWG (Star Wars Galaxies) in which [Dawn] guild was active for a number of years, on Chimaera and later Farstar servers. We went to SW:TOR and played that for a while, but then some of us decided to try out GW2.

A lot of good ppl have been lost along the way, but ofc we’ve also found a few new nice guys to play with – still, with different timezones and real lives taking up valuable gaming time (lol) for some of us it would be nice finding a few more to join us!

Casual, somewhat mature players, are welcome to contact us – pwnzor type players looking for hardcore PvP guild, or are after spending evenings farming may look elsewhere.

If you’re already in another guild that’s ok too (but do check with your other guild first if they accept it) since we don’t run a hardcore “Always Represent” thing – even if it’s appreciated if you help collecting influence together with us! Who knows, if we’re nice enough perhaps [SOD] in time can become your “main guild”, and if not then you’re still left with a couple buddies to chat and play with when your main guild is quiet!

We use TS3 to communicate, and when running dungeons and such we see it as a must to use this – i guess that’s one of very few “rules” we have, the rest is just common sense- don’t be greedy and rob guild bank, treat other like you’d like to be treated yourself – stuff like that, if not understanding that then by all means please stay away!

We really only recruit when we stumble over ppl that seems nice, and if players seem to think they are gods gift to gaming community, or act needy, then we avoid taking chances really. And, since we mostly stick to running instances within guild we’re surely missing out on many out there that’d be good hanging out with – maybe this post can catch their eye?

Anyway, i’m done typing now – you have an excelsior day!

Swedish ex-SWG dinosaur, cheez doodles ftw!

[SOD] Underworld PvX guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: MakJulos.6530


Ok, never been much for recruiting on forums like this, but it does seem to work- at least a couple nice ppl found this thread and joined, welcoming Renko and Lotusu!

Still, for doing the Guild Bounty missions we can use more, need more even- can ofc spam chat and invite random ppl to help with these missions, but all the explanations that’ll be in order for that…brrr…it’d be much nicer and smoother if we had everyone connected before, to plan, inform and advice!

So, looking for more nice players to join us- if the first post in thread awakens an interest, give us a shout!

Swedish ex-SWG dinosaur, cheez doodles ftw!

[SOD] Underworld PvX guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Astro.7318


Id be very interested as Im on the same server, although I am a complete noob