[Salt] | Christian/Family Friendly|PvX/WvW

[Salt] | Christian/Family Friendly|PvX/WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: makarios.7254


[Salt] of the earth |of Fort Aspenwood| is recruiting!

Teamspeak3, Bible Study, Guild missions, Dungeons, Fractals, WvW and more!

We are a founding FA guild focusing on quality of attitude over quantity of players. We welcome anyone, not just Christians.

As we grow our hope is to remain a tight knit guild that gets to know each other just as much as we know the game(s) we play.

We are not the holier-than-thou types that may have left a bad taste in your mouth in your personal / gaming lives.

Our primary goals are:

  1. Strengthen each other in our walk with Jesus Christ.
  2. Bring others to Christ who are willing (we will not force our views on you, but we are open to civil discussion).
  3. Promote a clean community that is tight knit and a community that treats each other with respect.
  4. Revive (support) our community, whether they are in a downed state in-game or out-of-game.

If you are interested in joining us check out Awakened to Redemption – gaming community for more details or send an in-game whisper / mail to one of our current leadership members:

  • Guild Leader: Odid.7289
  • Community Officer: Makarios.7254

If you are a brand new player or have had the game for awhile feel free to check us out!



Pharseer Makarios // Charr Mesmer

(edited by makarios.7254)

[Salt] | Christian/Family Friendly|PvX/WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: GabeFresa.9628


Send me an invite. I’m always open towards discussion. Mooab at BG

[Salt] | Christian/Family Friendly|PvX/WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jejomar.2587


Hi Invite me please…. I am on Yak’s Bend if that is important to know… Thanks

[Salt] | Christian/Family Friendly|PvX/WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Xanthoshawk.2435


Hi I would like to join. Also o you audio chat? What program? Do I just email you in game to join? I am on Tarnished Coast but would create new character for right guild

[Salt] | Christian/Family Friendly|PvX/WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: makarios.7254


Hi Invite me please…. I am on Yak’s Bend if that is important to know… Thanks

I sent you an ingame mail — welcome to the community!

Pharseer Makarios // Charr Mesmer

(edited by makarios.7254)

[Salt] | Christian/Family Friendly|PvX/WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: makarios.7254


Hi I would like to join. Also o you audio chat? What program? Do I just email you in game to join? I am on Tarnished Coast but would create new character for right guild

I sent you an ingame mail/and invite — welcome to the community! I think we may have communicated early today via ingame mail. And, yes we have a dedicated audi chat program we use for comms (gaming, socializing, seeking, learning, praying, fellowship.)

Pharseer Makarios // Charr Mesmer

(edited by makarios.7254)

[Salt] | Christian/Family Friendly|PvX/WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: makarios.7254


Guild Missions last night :: 2/3 We rocked the Trek and Rush but didn’t finish the Puzzle! Good times tho! /cheers

Pharseer Makarios // Charr Mesmer

[Salt] | Christian/Family Friendly|PvX/WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: makarios.7254


We had (2) full guild dungeon groups running CoF last night. Each group did story mode and path 1, path 2, and path 3 to complete that instance together. Great learning and fun together last night. Even the ones that weren’t with us in vent enjoyed hearing and cheering us on through all the buuuuuuuurning!

Pharseer Makarios // Charr Mesmer