Sanctum of Rall is recruiting for all Time Zones!
Sanctum of Rall is a community-oriented server with a rich, vibrant history. As many know, Sanctum of Rall was graced with being named after a fan of GW2 named Roger “OldRoar” Rall, a key member of the Gaischioch [GSCH] community. ArenaNet saw this member’s intense desire for GW2 and the love and compassion of his fellow guildmates in his passing, and in turn gave tribute to this memorable playing in the naming of our server.
But, the name does not define us. The community we build does.
Sanctum of Rall is known for its wide-scale, public community events. From multiple, server-wide Great Tyrian Adventures; hosted by Gaischioch Na Rall [GSCH], daily Tequatl kills hosted by Ethereal Guardians [EG], to the upcoming GW2 Birthday Bash hosted by The Sinister Swarm [SIN]. Sanctum of Rall has had a community built around its members since its inception
But the community does not stop in PvE. It grows further in WvW.
It is one thing to take a group of people and hang with them; it is another thing to take a group of people into battle, where your buddy to your left and your right is the brother that you are counting on for your survival. And in the heart of the Mists, the SoR community continues to thrive. It is no secret that Sanctum of Rall took a big hit and lost our entire assortment of WvW guilds. But that did not deter our community. We assessed the situation and chose to build up our ranks from within and stabilize to where we belong. And with that, we fell. Once stabilized, we found our spot in T7 where our skill and numbers afforded us.
Through our stabilization, we established a server leadership team and a new Teamspeak. We built up our key WvW guilds. We brought new players into WvW from PvE and taught them the ins and outs of the battlefield. We slowly rose to T6 and adapted to the new competition we faced.
SoR is now a stable server. We have an established leadership team, an organized 350 slot Teamspeak server, an engaging website, several key WvW guilds, and a healthy supply of PvX guilds that regularly join on the battlefield. SoR has round-the-clock coverage, arguably the best overall coverage in Bronze League. We have regularly scheduled WvW Training Events on Wednesdays and Thursdays for NA Prime and Open Field Fight Training Events on Sundays and Mondays during EU time. All guilds run together and welcome other Rallians to join their raids. No exclusivity. We are a family.
As we look over the horizon at the upcoming WvW tournament, we realize that we have stabilized in T6 and can be a candidate for #1. But, we must continue to come together and work hard to reach such a goal. In order to bolster our ranks, SoR is recruiting for all time zones. We need to enhance our NA time with guilds that specialize in fights and zerg busting in order to effectively face NSP and DH. Both servers offer great fights during NA time, and have the opportunities to grant MANY bags for the right guilds. We want COMMUNITY-ORIENTED guilds, willing to work together as a team. The ELITIST need not apply.
SoR is looking for the following:
Late EU / Early NA – 1 guild, fielding 20-30
NA Prime – 2-3 guilds, fielding 20-30 each, willing to run EB, fights/zerg busting
Late NA / OCX- 1 guild, fielding 10-15 with 1-2 commanders
SEA – 1 guild, fielding 10-15 with 1-2 commanders
EU – 1 guild, fielding 15-20
SoR has made a commitment that we will NOT buy guilds. We do NOT have a supply of gold available for transfer fees. But, SoR has made a commitment to help build up any guild that wishes to join our community through rebuilding their Guild Influence. SoR members can temporarily join the guild and popp guild influence tomes. Additionally, SoR offers seige supplies to new commanders transferring to SoR. If any guild shares a desire to join SoR, we can help the guild’s members run dungeons, complete Tequatl kills, or farm gold in other methods for their transfer.
If your guild is interested in learning more, please contact one of the SoR WvW War Council members:
[FIRE] Xivor.8754
[GSCH] Foghladha.2506
[HALO] sscripko.5387
A special thanks to the key guilds that have helped our WvW community grow to what it is today:
Gaishioch Na Rall [GSCH] – Ethereal Guardians [EG] – Chariot of Fire [FIRE] – Knights of Good [KOGS] – Rogue Agents [RA] – Super Mega Happy Fun Time [MEGA] – Archangels Haven [HALO] – The Impact Players [IMPS] – The Sinister Swarm [SIN] – Frag Xperts [FX] – Mad Cast Gaming [MCG] – Devilz Prayer [EVIL] – Blood of the Martyr [HOPE] – Perfectionist Cult [NICE] – Hungry Wolves [HowL] – Dionysian Rights [RITE]
Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] –
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks –
(edited by xivor.8754)