Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

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Posted by: xivor.8754


Hello all, I am Xivor, a representative of the Sanctum of Rall server community and a member of our WvW War Council. Today, I would like to share some information about our great server.

The History of the Sanctum of Rall
This server is not just an ordinary server. It is named after a player by the name Roger “Oldroar” Rall who suddenly passed away in his den late one evening. His passion in his last remaining years was Guild Wars 2. From researching the game through gaming websites to encouraging the founder of the Gaiscioch to make contact with ArenaNet, Oldroar took a passion for this game toting it to be the spiritual successor to Dark Age of Camelot and Warhammer Online.

Just weeks after his passing, Foghladha finally made contact at PAX Prime 2011 with Martin Kerstein, ArenaNet’s Head of Community. Foghladha and the Gaiscioch began on a quest to have Roger immortalized by getting a server named after him. After months of building up contacts and forging a relationship with ArenaNet the Gaiscioch amassed a “CookieZerg” in an attempt to get the idea across to ArenaNet and make their name known. Thousands of sugary treats made their way from all around the globe to ArenaNet’s Bellevue, Washington offices.

Time passed and relations continued and on July 10th, the Gaiscioch made one final attempt by sending out a Call to Arms to all past and present members and community members to write ArenaNet sharing their stories of Roger with them. Seven days later a notice arrived in Foghladha’s mailbox that there would be a server named “Sanctum of Rall”. This news sent a tidal wave through the gaming industry hitting the far corners of the MMO scene. It was reported on by blogs, gaming sites, newspapers, and even magazines around the world.

More information can be found at

Commander Combat Medic Barbie
Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] –
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks –

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

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Posted by: xivor.8754


Our Goal: Community
Every server has their own niche they strive to reach. Ever since the dawn of the Sanctum of Rall, building a strong community has been the number one goal on this server. From the very beginning, guilds such as Gaischioch have hosted community-wide events, such as The Great Tyrian Adventure. Even now, after a fairly recent split off of the more hardcore/elite WvW guilds to what they perceived to be bigger, better pastures, our community is shining, and others outside our server are seeing it. Sanctum of Rall is not a server that is known to wear down, but one that sees his opposition, and through much sweat and tears, diligently pushes hard until we rise above. With the exodus of nearly all our main WvW guilds, our server has had to cling to the one thing that kept all of us together, and that was this community.

Community With Megaserver
Megaserver? Who cares. SoR will still support its own. Even to this very moment, our community thrives. We have community activities all the time! Every night, the Ethereal Guardians [EG] guild hosts a nightly Tequatl run, and they invite community members to join them. [EG] is known for having record-breaking times in their Tequatl runs, and they do so with all SoR members, rather than multi-server guilds pulling from across the other servers. Additionally, Gaiscioch [GSCH] still hosts a Community Guild Missions night, where anyone on SoR can participate and complete 4 different guild missions weekly. This is perfect for the smaller guilds that do not have them researched! Afterwards, the Commander takes the group into an awesome venture into the WvW Battlefield!

World Versus World: Phase 2
Wait, what? World Versus World? Didn’t all the WvW members leave? No, they did not. The guilds that left were guilds that did not attach themselves to our community. In Sanctum of Rall, we value the individual person more than a point on a map. That being said, we DO wish to improve our World Versus World skill and standings, but we intend to do it united as one, respecting each other, working as a team! With the exodus of our “first string” commanders, new blood have had the opportunity to rise up. New Commanders are on the map and old Commanders are coming back. Players that were shunned away due to the non-friendly environment prior to in SoR WvW are returning because our community has returned to what it once was. Every day, our skill is improving, and our team is working harder.

Commander Combat Medic Barbie
Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] –
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks –

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: xivor.8754


What Do We Offer?
Sanctum of Rall is not buying guilds. We do not want mercenaries. When a group of people move because of money, once the money runs out, their loyalties will go elsewhere. What we offer is a strong community that CARES about its members. We offer a community that desires growth and does not wish to be stagnant. Sanctum of Rall has a 350 member Teamspeak server that we utilize for WvW and PvE, and any guild that is on SoR can have its own home on this TS with full front-end admin capabilities over their own channel and sub-channels.

Additionally, our website at hosts an assortment of information. Additionally, our new Commander’s On Deck application is an OUTSTANDING way to build the community! Sanctum of Rall wants to reward its members for their participation in the community! That being said, SoR now has a system in place for WvW Commanders to make pick-up events when they command on a map, share a code with their followers who in turn input the code on the SoR website, and they get placed into a raffle for weekly and monthly rewards! These rewards include 15 and 18 slot bags, exotics, superior seige, and whole sets of exotic armor! Additionally, SoR now maintains a leaderboard system that tracks WvW PPT during a Commander’s raid and has a point system that ranks Commanders and followers based upon their performance! Competition breeds activity! Activity breeds morale! Morale breeds fun!

In Closing
If you want to build a community, then Sanctum of Rall wants you. If you want a fun, competative WvW environment where you can assist in the rebuilding process, then Sanctum of Rall wants you. If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact any of the following representatives of our community, who are also the SoR WvW War Council:

Xivor.8754 – Chariot of Fire [FIRE] Guild Leader
Foghladha.2506 – Gaiscioch Na Rall[GSCH] Guild Leader
Sscripko.5387 – Archangel’s Haven [HALO] Officer

SOR Trailer Highlight Reel

Additional WvW Footage

Commander Combat Medic Barbie
Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] –
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks –

(edited by xivor.8754)

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: amonian.3596


wow amazing post.

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: Prophet.6257


This is an amazing server. Even with Megaservers I still get prioritized where fellow SoR and SoR guilds are. The vast majority of people I encounter on these maps have been positive, helpful, and talkative. Honestly, it has made the world feel alive even when other servers were expressing a dip in the player base. SoR is a destination server with a thriving community. Tons of guilds, PUGs, zergs, and roamers.

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

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Posted by: xivor.8754


This is NOT a server that is dead in WvW! Check out this video, primarily of the Eternal Guardians [EG] guild. We are making it happen here, without the ego, and with more fun than ever! Thank you to the new guilds that have recently transferred over and have been contributing to our community! And congrats to those that won the weekly raffle and got their exotic rewards for Commander and Participant activity on the website!

Commander Combat Medic Barbie
Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] –
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks –

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: Raf.1078


This is a great place to WvW in, folks. Everyone works together and we have a good time no matter who we are fighting or what the score is.

We(PF) moved here a few weeks ago and have absolutely no regrets. Come be a part of Sanctum of Rall’s rebirth.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arius.7031


Having fought against them recently I can say this is a great server. They were friendly and respectful as opponents, and they always put up a good fight. So if you’re not coming to Darkhaven (you crazy person), check this server out!

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

We Rallians are tough as nails, and we will fight relentlessly. Join us for fun fights, great teamwork and cooperation, and a friendly inviting athmosphere.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

Having fought against them recently I can say this is a great server. They were friendly and respectful as opponents, and they always put up a good fight. So if you’re not coming to Darkhaven (you crazy person), check this server out!

Thanks for the kind words, we had a fun time fighting you guys.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: xivor.8754


I’d like to formally announce the recent additions of the Primal Fury [PF] guild and the No Quarter [NQ] guild to Sanctum of Rall! Having you both on our team has been awesome, and amazing fights have been had! You bring forth a certain level of character to our servwer, and we are very glad to have you among us!

Commander Combat Medic Barbie
Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] –
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks –

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

I’d like to formally announce the recent additions of the Primal Fury [PF] guild and the No Quarter [NQ] guild to Sanctum of Rall! Having you both on our team has been awesome, and amazing fights have been had! You bring forth a certain level of character to our servwer, and we are very glad to have you among us!

Welcome aboard new Rallians, its been a pleasure fighting alongside you guys. Absolute blast wiping zerg after zerg.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: saguthegreat.9815


It’s been a long time, what happen to sor why u guys at T6?

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: xivor.8754


Our WvW core guilds bandwagoned off the server. Most went to TC. Some went elsewhere. Now, we are back to our original community-minded guilds, and working together to build ourselves back up.

Commander Combat Medic Barbie
Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] –
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks –

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

bumping for all the right reasons

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: xivor.8754


Bump, because we are that cool!

Commander Combat Medic Barbie
Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] –
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks –

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: saguthegreat.9815


why they left sor? u know? sor is ok right now but, u guys need to recruit for night ppl. 2 to 3 guild is enough with 15 member each guild u guys gonna start rocking again xD.

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jeff.5139


Long story (which is in the forums). At any rate it gives the community a nice opportunity to develop into a good gaming environment in which everyone enjoys the games and the company of the people that they spend time with while playing. :-)

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: xivor.8754


We are definitely looking for increasing our nighttime. Our EU and our NA are fairly strong, but we are definitely needing a stronger OCX presence and SEA presence. Especially OCX right now. If interested in seeing how your guild can benefit the community here at Sanctum of Rall, please contact me!

Commander Combat Medic Barbie
Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] –
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks –

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: xivor.8754


SoR. Ticking 520? Guess this is NOT a dead server after all! Looking for more to bring in more fresh life into this community! We value community, teamwork, and take pride in our hard work on the battlefield. Your guild might be exactly what we need to fill in a gap we have!

Commander Combat Medic Barbie
Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] –
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks –

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: timmyf.1490


Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

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Posted by: xivor.8754


That is a MEGA epic video!

Commander Combat Medic Barbie
Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] –
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks –

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

In high need of oceanic/sea coverage, if your looking to make a big impact in a great community, SoR is the place for you.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: peanut.3916


I love this server I always have fun, these guys and gals are very welcome to everyone. If I had to rate this server it’s 5 stars.

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: peanut.3916


Welcome all to the new members members

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

Escape the blobs and garbage in higher tiers, and come enjoy wvw again

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: peanut.3916


Welcome to those who joined

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

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Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

another fantastic week, great job everyone, and another great start to this week.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

our ppt this week has been amazing, great work everyone

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: xivor.8754


We may not have the most coverage, and we may not have the top WvW guilds in any time zone. But, we do have a dedicated core that is resilient to a fault and dedicated to improve. We have several large guilds that have a very significant imprint in our WvW efforts, but we also have many small guilds that collectively make up the other half of our WvW efforts. One 5 man havoc team added to our roster increases our capabilities on the battlefield. Think your small guild may have something to offer SoR? Contact me with your questions and ideas.

Commander Combat Medic Barbie
Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] –
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks –

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

Another great week, we won by over 100k, we had great teamwork and cooperation, and started off strong this weekend moving up 3 ranks and a tier, great work everyone!

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: peanut.3916


Yes it was alot of dun this mathup were in is soo much fun and very close

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: peanut.3916


Also welcome to all of the new people joining our server

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jeff.5139


And a welcome back to some old timers too! nice to have you guys back!

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: peanut.3916


Welcome Many new faces in SoR glad to have you

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: xivor.8754


Nice to see Gates of Madness this round. A nice refresher from the easy weeks against other lesser skilled, lower pop T7/8 servers.

Commander Combat Medic Barbie
Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] –
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks –

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jeff.5139


GoM vs. DH vs. SoR has so far proven to be a well balanced match up so far And the variety of fights be it solo roamers or organized groups have been very enjoyable. Though quite frankly i’m amazed how we’re able to most of the time turn away those GOM map blobs when they come out.

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: xivor.8754


And we are back to GoM vs DH vs SoR. I think we have a fairly balanced matchup, and it can still flip either way here. I love these matchups!

Commander Combat Medic Barbie
Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] –
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks –

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: xivor.8754


Still looking to bolster our coverage moving out of the tournament! Late NA into OCX could use some strengthening, in addition to SEA into early EU!

Commander Combat Medic Barbie
Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] –
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks –

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: xivor.8754


A few trials for SoR, but we have learned that trial by fire is the only way to refine a strong and effective WvW community! Message me to see how you can fit into SoR!

Commander Combat Medic Barbie
Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] –
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks –

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: xivor.8754


Here for fun and excitement! Looking to build a community that fosters growth, both in number, but in our teamwork and relationships with one another!

Commander Combat Medic Barbie
Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] –
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks –

Sanctum of Rall - Never Shaken, Ever Growing

in Looking for...

Posted by: acdspydar.8920


VEX is still proud to be here and fight along great people! Players and Guilds seeking a challenge and are interested in joining an outstanding community should give SoR a chance. Good Fights. Good People. Kitten Good Server.

Matthéo – North American Regime Change [Ruin]