Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ilmau.9781



SFR is a server that is very proud of its accomplishments. We have fought against the very best and we have always stood united. We had our ups and downs, but we are still here and we will always be.

We are currently looking for guilds/commanders/players that operate outside EU prime time.

To name a few:
• A TeamSpeak server
• Excellent communication
• Friendly people
• Recruitment opportunities
• Builds, tactics, all of our kitten nal.

But the most important thing would be: we offer you a tried and tested (serious) community.

We could go on and talk about what we’re good at, what we’ve done and why our server would be a good choice for you, but we feel that actions speak louder than words. For this reason, we invite you to check out our first anniversary video –

Or read more, About Us,

Mail me, in-game (ilmau.9781) or contact us on our Community Forum @


[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

(edited by ilmau.9781)

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ilmau.9781


I want to thank you guys, we getting lot of contacts from this topic!

Just updated the open positions to match the needs of our server!

and Thanks for reading too!

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ilmau.9781


Checking this link you can see the Guilds from Seafarer’s Rest actually recruiting:

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ilmau.9781


new guilds joined SFR and opened a recruitment thread in our forum!
here the link to check about!

Another info that may interest you… we are still looking for Commanders to active lead during Night and early Morning!
Feel free to contact me for any info

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Feindsender.1043


Another info that may interest you… we are still looking for *PvD*Commanders to active lead during Night and early Morning!
Feel free to contact me for any info

Dressed in black uniforms so fine
We drank and killed to pass the time.

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ilmau.9781


Another info that may interest you… we are still looking for *PvD*Commanders to active lead during Night and early Morning!
Feel free to contact me for any info

ehehhe mate as u can see from the outcome of the current matchup we have lot of enemies to fight during night/morning! some of us play only during off peak hours and still manage to get 5k+ kill each week!

Anyway, actually we are focusing on recruiting players who can WvW from 7 am to 2 pm Central Europe Time, we are restructuring a couple of old school guilds on sfr and focus em on morning coverage, if you are interested just contact us!

have a nice day everyone

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ilmau.9781


SFR is looking for Commanders who can lead PUG raid during night/ealy morning @ Central Europe Time

Refer to the first topic to learn how to get in contact with us!

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ilmau.9781


SFR is still looking for Commanders who can lead PUG raid during night/ealy morning @ Central Europe Time

Refer to the first topic to learn how to get in contact with us!

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ilmau.9781



We are looking for Guilds/Players willing to cooperate with our Community.

We are looking for WvW Commanders, with English speaking and good use of Teamspeak.

And more, are you willing to join a WvW guild?
We have multiethnic WvW guilds English Speaking and National WvW guilds from every nation, so we can integrate players from any Nationality!

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nymph of Meliai.6739

Nymph of Meliai.6739

We are also looking for a stable guild from North America that can provide the base from which us EU night owls can work with.

Nymeria Meliae | SoS
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ilmau.9781


We won the League Season 2 and we are now looking forward to fix all the lacks that were highlighted during these intense weeks of fights. Our opponents showed us where we were weak, striking hard.

Now it is a perfect time to join us since we are middle way to fix our holes, there is no better time than now to apply and integrate with our community

A part of our project involve to find a guild that can provide raids during our nights. NA/Canadians/Mexican guild with raid of 20-25 or open raids would be perfect.

thanks for reading!

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ilmau.9781


The League is over and normal WvW activity will soon start again

Yes, beacouse WvW is every day, and we, as WvW community know that.
The League is an unconvetional event where the ppt competition goes over everything else and all the players who took part of it and played WvW just for the achivements will leave soon, and once again WvW will be left for WvW players.

As we are.

Here a Video of our Pugs during the League

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ilmau.9781


For anyone interested here you can see the updated list of the Guilds actually recruiting on SFR
link can be seen by anyone even without being registered to our website!

I take the chance to remember that at the moment SFR is looking for Commanders (PuG leading) with eng speaking and working TS to lead during morning/afternoon/night.

We also has NO QUEUE in any map (but ebg) in our prime time, so there is spot for 2-3 more guilds with raid of 20/30 (even daily).

thanks for reading, have a nice day

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lord Zifnab.7194

Lord Zifnab.7194

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jarni.7402


Hard Core WvW Raiding Guild: Last Of Our Kind [LAST] is recruiting dedicated WvW’ers on Seafarer’s Rest!

Servers: Desolation (1) / Piken Square (2)
Main characters: Jarni The Catmander (1) / Jarni Goes Wild (2)
Gank Me Harder [FURY]

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jarni.7402


To any Italian looking for a server, this is Seafarer’s Rest:

(textile doesn’t work on this forum so you’ll have to click the link)

Servers: Desolation (1) / Piken Square (2)
Main characters: Jarni The Catmander (1) / Jarni Goes Wild (2)
Gank Me Harder [FURY]

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ilmau.9781


Here we go with the weekly Bump! so let’s repeat that SFR is always looking for players WvW focused interested in join a very organized and cooperative community!

Plus, we are still loooking for Commanders (PuG leading) with eng speaking and working TS to lead during morning/afternoon/night, and as previusly said we have NO QUEUE in any map (but ebg) in our prime time, so there is spot for 2-3 more guilds with raid of 20/30 (even daily).

Here something to watch:

[INT] Tagless Open Raid 04/06/14

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Uaon.6103


Oh I bet you want more American players to do your night shifts in WvW alright….

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Anaktas.7390


Oh I bet you want more American players to do your night shifts in WvW alright….

Sfr is mainly looking for players and guilds in EU prime time, nevertheless enemy servers seems to have strong night/early morning crew that grants most of the points for them,, so any American players and guilds that want to join would be more than welcome; Fights will be provided and it wont be plain PvD.

Commander of Seafarer’s Rest.
Eternal Illumination[EB] Guild Leader.

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ilmau.9781


Oh I bet you want more American players to do your night shifts in WvW alright….

That would be indeed nice


We are still looking guys! Don’t be shy, we do not bite

Have a nice day!

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ilmau.9781



Seafaerer’s Rest is always looking for WvW lovers to integrate in our Community!

We are a well oiled machine, if you join us won’t regret for sure

I take chance with the bump of this week to invite you to check the latest videos in our youtube channel, hope you will enjoy the show

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ilmau.9781


Heya there! had been quite busy last weeks and never had time to come here and refresh the threads! ^^"

Well, actually SFR prime time is full again! Thanks at all the new guilds who joined us! we look forward for great cooperation together, and lot of fun!

So, what we are looking for now?

We are always looking for players/commander willing to cooperate with our community that play in offpeak hours, specially from 04.00 to 10.00 cet, that s when we actually most lack players!

Once again, Thanks for reading!

Have a nice day

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Xerion.8014


When i saw this post on top of the recruitment section, the first thing that came up in my mind was, why do some people hate VcY returning to SFR. But then i saw it was from Dec 2013.

Silly me.

Xerion The Fierced – #1 Ranger Extraordinary
“Beautiful, talented and unique.”
Velocity [VcY] – Somewhere roaming on Far Shiverpeaks

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Gunner.1426


SFR pretty much stacked server, they pvdoor all the week without Deso.

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Atoss.1056


specially from 04.00 to 10.00 cet, that s when we actually most lack players!

Yep, definately.


Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ilmau.9781


Still looking for players/guilds/commanders who operate outside EU prime time, off-peak hours players are always welcome


[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


you dont have 30 men q on every border, so you need more? what if u guys learn to play? :P

Just the WvW

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: lossofmotivation.3407


Well its like this…


Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ilmau.9781


SFR is actually in need to balance his coverage focusing on times night/late night/early morning, since specially during last week we noticed and increased number of opponents during this period.

We actually are in real need of stabilize our current crew to match our opponents numbers and fight properly.

This is a call for guilds/commanders/players that are willing to cooperate with out community and join a very organized and working team!

sorry for the OT but sometimes i just can’t shut up

specially from 04.00 to 10.00 cet, that s when we actually most lack players!

Yep, definately.


You took a screen of a lucky night and posted it! Usually we are far outnumbered during this period, for example, tonight Deso had the usual World War Z karma-army around with 60+ players at 6am and we even had tally +0. So definetly, YES we need more player during the night

you dont have 30 men q on every border, so you need more? what if u guys learn to play? :P

Well, it is hard to tell to learn to play at a community that took a server from rank 19 in ladder, to the top and hold first spot for 43 weeks, but maybe u was to busy server hopping around to WSR?Piken?Deso?Piken?FSP?Deso to notice that. But no worries, we will let you notice in the next weeks.

Have a nice day! thanks for reading!

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

(edited by ilmau.9781)

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sharpoon.8197


Actually last week Kodash did massive overtime because they just wanted to win T1 once and Deso allowed them to do it. SFR has the biggest morning/afternoon population. If you had strong night team as well then the matchup will be very boring with SFR winning 50k+ every week. If that is what you want then best of luck.

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


Pathetic, simply pathetic. There are other servers that are in dire need of new players, definitely NOT yours.

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ilmau.9781


Main thread has been updated with more relevant infos about our community and what we are looking for!

Bump it up!

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ilmau.9781



[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Atoss.1056



You took a screen of a lucky night and posted it! Usually we are far outnumbered during this period, for example, tonight Deso had the usual World War Z karma-army around with 60+ players at 6am and we even had tally +0. So definetly, YES we need more player during the night

Lucky night?
Here some more lucky nights in the attachment.

If you look further into past matchups, there Deso had more “lucky nights”, still it was easily nullified by Sfr morning/day crew and that’s why you was winning the matchups. Not even gonna mention matchups where there was no Deso = all nights yours. You can ask players from your own server how they were bored of this pvd and nothing to do…
Now however, it’s whole different story after all this excessive recruitment, you finally got yourself zombie army 2x bigger than Deso’s from what I read on our forum about yesterday’s night – right before the season and this is versus 2nd and 3rd most stacked servers. Biggest morning, day and night coverage, gg.

On top of that, still recruiting * and this is where I laugh *


Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: lindstroem.3601


As if its intressting that people are already bored of pvd. Competition is overrated. Lets stack for the easy loot.

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

The seeds of self-destruction already grow inside this server. And they have been planted by the “leadership” of this server. Internal struggles and poisonous conversation (This is according to the information I received from ex-SFR players who transferred to Desolation. I have never been on SFR).

Some SFR players must be seriously and utterly BORED. Even when Desolation is not matched up against SFR, SFR has spies and now also some prominent SFR players have their alt characters trolling Deso map chat. I could understand such behavior when Deso and SFR are matched against each other, but on those weeks when we are not it seems they have nothing to do. The difference in coverage between EU rank #1 & #2 and EU rank #4 = huge. Sadly this coverage gap seems to widen.

But keep on recruiting and enjoy the queues. The more you recruit, the further the average player quality dilutes (unless one manages only to recruit very good guilds, but this hardly seems the case). Me and most Desolation players are having tons of fun.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: CrimsonNeonite.1048


Honestly SFR has more numbers because they can, complaining about that when we can manage on a good night, to put together 50-60 man blobs especially against lower ranked Servers ourselves during the night is hypocritical, but that’s how big the gulf is between T1 EU and the rest of the Tiers.

Can we expect people to not try to come up with a plan to counter our superior numbers in this game of Coverage Wars? Desolation doesn’t recruit, yet we somehow got an influx of players; especially new players who are usually just zerglings looking for fights and loot at night, who know little else and panic without or even with a blue Dorito on the map.

Anyway let’s see once the Tournament starts.

Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.

(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Anaktas.7390


The seeds of self-destruction already grow inside this server. And they have been planted by the “leadership” of this server. Internal struggles and poisonous conversation (This is according to the information I received from ex-SFR players who transferred to Desolation. I have never been on SFR).

Some SFR players must be seriously and utterly BORED. Even when Desolation is not matched up against SFR, SFR has spies and now also some prominent SFR players have their alt characters trolling Deso map chat. I could understand such behavior when Deso and SFR are matched against each other, but on those weeks when we are not it seems they have nothing to do. The difference in coverage between EU rank #1 & #2 and EU rank #4 = huge. Sadly this coverage gap seems to widen.

But keep on recruiting and enjoy the queues. The more you recruit, the further the average player quality dilutes (unless one manages only to recruit very good guilds, but this hardly seems the case). Me and most Desolation players are having tons of fun.


For your first paragraph I have to tell you that is definitely wrong. While I might have an idea from where you heard that, those rumors are false.
Seafarer’s Rest have an excellent leadership and staff members backed up by a funny and crazy community that manage to keep the server always at the top. They are fast to solve problems, listen to player’s needs and do the best they can. As far for the "Internal struggles and poisonous conversation ", its natural to have internal clashes when their different point of views; This is because people actually do care for Seafarer’s Rest and they will do everything they can for it. Always with a positive intention.

Now I know all servers have drama and ofcouse people can leave a server for drama. Isn’t that how you lost your most precious pug commander, Deso?

For the rest, we are not bored when we play with you guys, there is always a source of amusement in our match ups. Now I can understand that your night coverage is slowly getting countered by Seafarer’s Rest but that is no reason for you to get grumpy (plz no hate we all family here). Kodash is also excellent challenge these days.

As about the average quality between our servers, I believe it will take a year before average Deso > average Sfr. Your strength is your larger pool of players in your server. While we recruit for WvW you got tons from PvE, and that brings me to my last point.

For me, unfortunately this tournament is going to get ruined by all the PvE players. No server will be able to pull out his full potential during those 4 weeks (if achievements refresh on each match up, Dwayna help us!), so we got many unpredictable factors going on that will make the match ups to differ for the normal server fights we had outside of league; But anyway that is left to be seen.

Commander of Seafarer’s Rest.
Eternal Illumination[EB] Guild Leader.

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

Thanks for a nice and polite reply Anaktas, but I still have to comment a few bits:

I would want to know why SFR thinks their average quality is better than Desolation has? Vizunah Square still holds more medals than SFR in WvWvW (but since VS is not coming back SFR will someday pass that record). Was Vizunah winning in their glory days because their average quality was better than the others? Or was it because they had superior night coverage? And persistence to defend even they were wiped half a dozen times in a row?

I think pretty much everybody else agrees that the winner is determined primarily on numbers and coverage. For some strange reason SFR players seem to have this grand illusion that their skill level is higher than the others. WvWvW is full of unbalancing things (borderland bloodlust, power of the mists, consumables buffs, overpowered runes, guard leech stack etc), so it is more or less impossible to estimate the true quality there. In spvp/tpvp (which are even more dead game modes than WvWvW), there has never been question, which server is the best.

Yes, Ins moved from Deso to SFR already several months ago. But I have always held Moorta as our best commander and I know that several SFR players hold him also in great respect, despite he plays on Deso. I like the mature style Gabriel has and he moved from SFR to Deso. Jp Bruno from iPro is a great addition as a PuG commander. His German English is so cool.

It is plain misinformation to claim that Desolation is mainly recruiting players from pve. Several WvWvW oriented guilds have transferred to our server in past few months: GH, iPro, PUNK and NUKE.

I have more or less abstained from recruitment to avoid overly long queues. Right now we have often been enjoying the outnumbered buff, even on our borderland in the evening. But when the Tournament starts, we shall see queues on all top servers for sure.

Anyways the best of luck and see you on the battle ground! Let’s keep it fair and also remember to have good fights, not just PPT.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


Your plan succeeded, now have fun PvDing for 4 weeks you scrubs.


Seafarer's Rest look for WvW Guilds/Players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: xGraver.4918


Thank you all For keeping SFR recruiting topic on top and lot of ppl to see that theres a good fun crazy wvw server for them to join.

Keep up your good forum warriors DESO. WE need someone good to fight and teach our pugs how to fight.