Shameless[Lust] is recruiting Raiders

Shameless[Lust] is recruiting Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Quasar.1756


Hello everyone, Shameless[Lust] is guild of vulgar drunks and enlightened poets looking to recruit more players for raids.

We are focused on full clearing SV, and Tackling SP with competent and experienced players.

We are looking for players who genuinely are eager to raid. We understand ‘real life’ takes priority over GW2, but please be able to make all raid times and days needed to clear content or at least let us know your schedule for raids, so we don’t waste anyone’s time.

*If you have muti-professions ++++
*If you have exp with your profession(s) and Raid bosses ++++
*Have TeamSpeak (with or without a mic) ++++
*Have at least 1 of your professions “raid ready” ++++
*Make raid dates on time and consistently with genuine interest in participating ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

We are able to help those who need practice but we are looking for exp. raiders

Time Zones and locations can be worked out for raiding schedule if you are serious.

Our goal is to get core teams able to clear content.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kira Hotaru.7865

You can contact her in-game or send an in-game letter and she will get back with you ASAP.

Ty for your time and may you have a great day

(edited by Quasar.1756)

Shameless[Lust] is recruiting Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Quasar.1756


Do you have weekend groups (cannot commit to weekdays at all)?

Yes we do.

We can do weekdays and weekends…that’s why we are pushing for 3 core groups to satisfy all our raiders with times and days

Contact Kira Hotaru.7865 if you want to know more…ty for your reply and question

Shameless[Lust] is recruiting Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Riku.4821


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