Sinful Desire [SIN] ~ Blackgate[NA]

Sinful Desire [SIN] ~ Blackgate[NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Sinful Desire [SIN]
Server: Blackgate

[How we started]

We were once members of a PVX guild that disbanded due to some leadership problems,Our core members left the guild and began to rebuild another guild which is Sinful Desire[SIN]!

What was once 14, now has become a strong 140+.The guild has it’s set backs with members coming and going,But after a guild meeting and enforcing some new directions for the guild.We are growing fast now and we only started the guild one month ago!Please read on to find out more about the guild

[What we are]

Sinful Desire was created in mind to be a: cohesive, social, family, friendly guild. Who would welcome and support each other. We welcome all from any NA servers. As we seek in creating a safe social community, family even. Being social is a big part of the guild, need some help on anything ask. Need to do a dungeon and want to avoid PUGs, then ask.

Isolating yourself doesn’t help in to what you want to achieve. Soloing can only do so much. But with a great guild behind you, not only can you achieve much more. But have some great friends as well. Being a team player is all we ask. We are not looking for mere numbers.

[Our focus & aims]

At the moment the guild is primarily focusing on the PvE side. These include: World Bosses, Dungeons, Fractals.If you’re new to fractals and dungeons, hey we’ll be patient with you, so that you can learn at your own pace – no rush.

Or if you just want to relax and just talk in guild chat, then fine by us. What ever you feel like doing, it’s fine by us. You’ll never be pressurized to do something, that you don’t want to.YOU are the one that brought the game,so do whatever you like to do!

Currently guild missions are on Friday 7.30pm server time,This is because our peak hours are around 5pm-9pm Server time.

Our guild has Teamspeak(TS),Buffs,AWESOME members!

[What we require]

With any guild we do have some requirements. We ask all members to be:

~Be polite and respect each other. We don’t mind jokes, but any sexist/prejudicial/ racist comments or jokes will be dealt with

~Since we are a guild looking to grow,We require 90% rep.This means you can rep other guilds to do PVE stuff(Dungeons/Fractals/World Bosses)WvW,etc…..

~Mature players.Theres no age requirements,But we do not want any drama coming in to the guild and causing any disharmony within the guild.

[Contact Information]

After reading and your interested to join us?PM our Officers in-game or leave a reply here!

~Lord Helix.1572

We hope to see you in-game and in our guild!

(edited by Willycat.7310)

Sinful Desire [SIN] ~ Blackgate[NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Recruitment is still open,join us and have fun!

Sinful Desire [SIN] ~ Blackgate[NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Willycat.7310


We are currently at 160+ and growing fast,Join us today!

Sinful Desire [SIN] ~ Blackgate[NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Willycat.7310


We reached 170+,Join us today!

Sinful Desire [SIN] ~ Blackgate[NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Willycat.7310


We are now 190 and growing fast!We had 10+ members join us in a few days!

Sinful Desire [SIN] ~ Blackgate[NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Willycat.7310


We are now 230+ and growing fast!Once we reach 250,we will be planning out guild events/activities,Join us today!