Skilled WvW Community w/o Queues or Trolls

Skilled WvW Community w/o Queues or Trolls

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Posted by: ahstanford.5967


[SWAT] is a WvW guild that recently transferred over to Henge of Denravi from Maguuma. We’ve been around since 2012 and have not transferred servers before, so we will be sticking around on HoD for the long haul.

We chose Henge of Denravi because it has a mature, adult crowd with very few trolls. All of the WvW guilds are friendly and work together. The population on the server is very low (one of the lowest in the game) however WvW is active and the server is beating servers with a much higher population. The server isn’t very zergy and queues are rarely an issue, but enemy zergs are present for good fights.

While we are from Maguuma, our guild also has WvW/GvG players from SoR and Blackgate who have transferred over to beat the queues. We’re interested in adding more experienced players to our roster!

We’re very WvW focused: We roam and raid daily.

We enjoy zerg busting: Fighting outnumbered.

We’re all adults: No drama at all.

We don’t accept everyone: We’re only looking for skilled and competitive adult gamers who play during NA prime time. We do not desire to grow into a very large guild, but rather we focus on having a very active and cohesive group who has practiced together extensively.

We have many experienced commanders as well as many builds and tactics.

We do not pay members to join or stay in our guild, but our members will tell you that the perks of established membership are outstanding.

We do have some rules:

1) 100% representation on all characters is required
2) TeamSpeak use is required

If you’re interested in joining SWAT, please whisper one of the following characters in-game:

Think Fast

Skilled WvW Community w/o Queues or Trolls

in Looking for...

Posted by: thirstyturtle.9516


[SWAT] is pretty awesome 15 of them wrecked a queped zerg last week

Skilled WvW Community w/o Queues or Trolls

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kreish Jucall.3628

Kreish Jucall.3628

[SWAT] will forever be considered a top tier guild in my book. From the adult oriented, friendly, and non confrontational group composition, to the dedicated commanders who will take the time to help you build your command of the game; [SWAT] is unmatched in Guild Wars 2.

While being a member of this guild requires that you learn and improve every day, the leadership within the guild creates the perfect environment for learning and brings the idea of fun to a whole new level.

Join Today!

(edited by Kreish Jucall.3628)

Skilled WvW Community w/o Queues or Trolls

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Posted by: HarbingerofDoom.4578


I can say from personal experience how much fun it is to run with SWAT in WvW! There is no better feeling than watching a zerg three times your size fall in before you in less than a minute. While the requirements are low they are in place simply to make us a stronger unit on the battlefield.
The best non pvp aspect of our guild is that there are no crying kids or people being trolls. Everyone enjoys having fun and can laugh with each other but at the same time can switch to serious when the time arrives. If you are frustrated with guilds that cant take anything seriously or are one of the zergs that is constantly being wiped by smaller groups and are looking to improve this is the place for you.

Skilled WvW Community w/o Queues or Trolls

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Posted by: YourLastSight.5234


If your looking for a guild that is very professional in WvW and PvP while at the same time Being very sociable and personable look no further SWAT is the guild for you! Theres no better rush than pouncing on enemy forces twice your size then defeating them as if it were childs play, at the same time tactically helping the server by controlling and dominating the map! There is a great sense of guild pride here something sadly hard to find in this game. After joining here i felt at home within 24 hours, want to be part of the domination? Speak to a leader today for more details!

Skilled WvW Community w/o Queues or Trolls

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Posted by: Chewbacca.8401


SWAT has and always will have a great community yet we are always looking for ways to expand this but still staying a, “on the small side guild” many of our members came from a really big guild and realize how nice it is to have a solid core set of players to have fun and have a sense of teamwork and satisfaction when raiding and learning to trust fellow guild members. If you want to be part of this just talk to us and we will be more than willing to see if you will fit in with this group.

Skilled WvW Community w/o Queues or Trolls

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Posted by: ptitminou.6489


No wait, HoD got no transfers from gold tier! LOL

kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten
Because censorship is the most important part of the MMO business.

Skilled WvW Community w/o Queues or Trolls

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Posted by: GladConcept.4650


“The population on the server is very low (one of the lowest in the game) however WvW is active and the server is beating servers with a much higher population. The server isn’t very zergy and queues are rarely an issue, but enemy zergs are present for good fights.”

I’m not trying to troll your post, but I would like to clarify some things. As far as North American servers go, Kaineng, Eredon Terrace, and Ferguson’s Crossing are the last three low population servers. While I can’t argue that Henge of Denravi has lower population than, say, Blackgate, you can hardly call yourself a low population server.

I think this is expounded upon by the fact that you are in Bronze League, and the only server I would say can put up a decent fight against your numbers is Sorrow’s Furnace. In fact, this past WvW season, you played against a total of zero servers that have a higher WvW population than you, so I don’t see how you can claim you’ve beat servers with much higher population — at least in that interim. From what I recall, your server purposely tanked its WvW ranking to drop into Bronze League just so you could win first place, which ended up drawing a number of transfers over so that they could claim to be Season One champions.

Finally, I think “zergy” is a matter of perspective. Maybe the 60 people you can field in a borderland doesn’t feel like a lot to you, but your single borderland population can reach our entire WvW population here on FC on any given night.

Spotted Cow

Skilled WvW Community w/o Queues or Trolls

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Posted by: ArkAngel.7940


Now let me clarify some things since everyone is clarifying!

SWAT only recently transferred in very recently, as in near the end of the league. So they didn’t transfer in because of leagues. Also, tanked? Lol, old argument is old. How is it possible to tank when our ranking did not change at all, also NSP took the last spot in Silver so it would’ve been impossible to get up a rank anyways since we were being smashed by Ebay. We also beat Kaining that week where as in the previous week they beat us.

In regards to population, we really do have a low population, in terms of overall. Most of our population does WvW, but if you play PvE anywhere outside Queensdale you can usually run across one or two guys.

Sorry most of you got hurt when we kept dropping Dolyak finishers on your face, but I’m not sorry.

All that aside,

[SWAT] is a cool buncha cats and if you’re looking for somewhere to go I do recommend coming down here as we gear up to fight bigger fish.

Henge of Denravi [HoD]
The best player in the game
“I’m better than all of you!”

Skilled WvW Community w/o Queues or Trolls

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Posted by: GladConcept.4650


Let me clarify your failure at clarification.

“SWAT only recently transferred in very recently, as in near the end of the league. So they didn’t transfer in because of leagues.”

If you bothered to read my post carefully and exercise some reading comprehension skills, at no point did I say that [SWAT] transferred for leagues. I’m positive HOD will provide a good community for them to continue playing WvW on, but I was speaking more towards the server as a whole.

“Also, tanked? Lol, old argument is old.”

Yes, that argument is old. Seven weeks old, in fact. Thank you for pointing that out.

“How is it possible to tank when our ranking did not change at all, also NSP took the last spot in Silver so it would’ve been impossible to get up a rank anyways since we were being smashed by Ebay. We also beat Kaining that week where as in the previous week they beat us.”

You mean the week when Kaineng began losing all their players and dropped to being a low population server? It is possible to drop in rankings when your Glicko score does not change, considering some servers, you know, actually put forth the effort towards entering the league they should be in.

“In regards to population, we really do have a low population, in terms of overall. Most of our population does WvW, but if you play PvE anywhere outside Queensdale you can usually run across one or two guys.”

Again, I refer back to my original post. Maybe you have a low overall population, but you still have far more people that KN, ET, and FC. You even admit that most of your population does WvW, so your WvW population is already stacked compared to the rest of Bronze League.

“Sorry most of you got hurt when we kept dropping Dolyak finishers on your face, but I’m not sorry.”

Thank you for undermining ahstanford’s statement that HOD has a “mature, adult crowd.” I’m sure he greatly appreciates the positive PR for your server and his guild.

P.S. Looking forward to facing you guys on the field [SWAT]. The fights are always fun.

Spotted Cow

Skilled WvW Community w/o Queues or Trolls

in Looking for...

Posted by: ArkAngel.7940


Let me clarify your failure at clarification.

“SWAT only recently transferred in very recently, as in near the end of the league. So they didn’t transfer in because of leagues.”

If you bothered to read my post carefully and exercise some reading comprehension skills, at no point did I say that [SWAT] transferred for leagues. I’m positive HOD will provide a good community for them to continue playing WvW on, but I was speaking more towards the server as a whole.

You mean the week when Kaineng began losing all their players and dropped to being a low population server? It is possible to drop in rankings when your Glicko score does not change, considering some servers, you know, actually put forth the effort towards entering the league they should be in.

“In regards to population, we really do have a low population, in terms of overall. Most of our population does WvW, but if you play PvE anywhere outside Queensdale you can usually run across one or two guys.”

Again, I refer back to my original post. Maybe you have a low overall population, but you still have far more people that KN, ET, and FC. You even admit that most of your population does WvW, so your WvW population is already stacked compared to the rest of Bronze League.

“Sorry most of you got hurt when we kept dropping Dolyak finishers on your face, but I’m not sorry.”

Thank you for undermining ahstanford’s statement that HOD has a “mature, adult crowd.” I’m sure he greatly appreciates the positive PR for your server and his guild.

P.S. Looking forward to facing you guys on the field [SWAT]. The fights are always fun.

Apologies, the very first statement was meant for pitminou.

As for the rest, is it our fault Kaineng lost population during that matchup? No, the fact is we beat them a week before leagues where they previously beat us, two weeks before leagues. Which to us was an accomplishment considering that Ebay smacked us around. I would hardly call that “tanking”. Glicko aside, we still gained rating since we were leeching off Ebay but it wasn’t enough to get into Silver since NSP took it.

And I was merely clarifying what the OP meant when he said that we had a low population. It’s low because of low PvE but in terms of WvW we do fair off a bit better. Because of this we have a little less fairweather player base, a relatively moderate size I would say. So if there was a queue for EB in primetime it would only last for at most 30-45m, and that is rare.

And last of all, I couldn’t possibly leave a posting without some sort of light insult. I’m sure most of the people here have seen far more immature and offensive postings than the “Drop a dolyak on your face” comment.

P.S. sorry ahstanford for derailing your thread a bit, just wanted to clarify some things for people.
P.P.S. If you want to keep at it GladConcept shoot me a forum PM and we can keep duking it out there.

Henge of Denravi [HoD]
The best player in the game
“I’m better than all of you!”

Skilled WvW Community w/o Queues or Trolls

in Looking for...

Posted by: ahstanford.5967


To clarify, when SWAT transferred to HoD a couple weeks ago the HoD server population was not yet “Very High”. HoD was winning then, and we were 1 of 4 servers still with a “High” population. I’m quite confident that HoD is still on the lower end of server populations, but certainly we are not the absolute lowest population either. I think to say that we can “Hardly call ourselves a low population server” is a naive and self-justifying statement. We’re clearly lower population than the majority of NA servers. Regardless, my point was to make it clear to potential transfers that the server may appear rinky dink compared to servers like Blackgate, but it has a very active WvW community.

I also just want to make it clear to those viewing this thread that ArkAngel, GladConcept nor ptitminou are members of SWAT.

(edited by ahstanford.5967)

Skilled WvW Community w/o Queues or Trolls

in Looking for...

Posted by: ahstanford.5967


We’re happy to announce that we have picked up former Choo and Red Guard members from SoR and Blackgate. We’re still recruiting, for the time being, as we work toward having 20-30 skilled players online for each raid. Get in touch!

Skilled WvW Community w/o Queues or Trolls

in Looking for...

Posted by: ahstanford.5967


We’re looking for additional Warriors, Necros and Mesmers

Skilled WvW Community w/o Queues or Trolls

in Looking for...

Posted by: ahstanford.5967


Okay, got enough Warriors with the addition of several players from OnS on Blackgate.

Still seeking Necros and also would like another Mesmer.

Skilled WvW Community w/o Queues or Trolls

in Looking for...

Posted by: ahstanford.5967


We also have an opening for another ele.

Skilled WvW Community w/o Queues or Trolls

in Looking for...

Posted by: Righteous.4307


[SWAT] is a good group of guys and a pleasure to work with.

[MU] Barnabas Hale
HoD Commander

Skilled WvW Community w/o Queues or Trolls

in Looking for...

Posted by: ahstanford.5967


[SWAT] is a good group of guys and a pleasure to work with.

Hey Barnabas, thanks for the support!

Skilled WvW Community w/o Queues or Trolls

in Looking for...

Posted by: Righteous.4307


[SWAT] is a good group of guys and a pleasure to work with.

Hey Barnabas, thanks for the support!

No problem. Keep up the good work SWAT.

[MU] Barnabas Hale
HoD Commander