(edited by Deedrick.4372)
[SoR] Sons of Redemption NA/FA
Great group of friendly players!
Last night guild missions went great. Thanks for the new people joining, hope to see more soon
Can I join up? Thanks. Main is named Hanna rotor
Invite sent, welcome to SOR!
i was promised cake and have not yet received it. please help!
When we max out the guild level, I’ll bake you a cake :P And guild level 28 now!
I’m a relatively casual player that is looking to be more involved and up my game. My main is named Syaz the Shadow. If you are guys are still recruiting, I would be happy to join.
We are Looking for a PVP team please message me if you want in. I will be building teams and getting us in tournaments. My main is Hercolis I play tank warrior please message character name and Class.