(edited by Haematic.4913)
[SoS] Legends Never [DIE] : Retiring from GW2
Looking for highly skilled and active followers of The Based God.
Sea Of Sorrows
Official [DIE] youtube channels
[DIE] blob killing movie
Badgate (Blackgate) QQing about [DIE] (thinks 5 DIE+pugtrain=DIE skillgroup… top lel)
Come join [DIE], get loot, have fun and make people cry (best part).
Lil B loves you <3
Sea Of Sorrows
Legends Never [DIE] is retiring from Guild Wars 2. We are seeking new ventures. This thread can be locked / removed from these forums.
Good luck!
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
So sorry to see you guys go, it’s been a pleasure to fight alongside you.
Best of luck, /salute
-Gismor and [EK]
Friend Gismor – 80 Revenant
“Always outnumbered, never outgunned.”