[SoS] Small Guild of Friends

[SoS] Small Guild of Friends

in Looking for...

Posted by: o freedom o.9028

o freedom o.9028

Hi All,

If you are looking for a large guild hit the back button =D

Questionable Heroes [qH] is a small guild based out of Sea of Sorrows. We are a small guild of friends looking to beef up our numbers by just a few. In the past we were a semi large guild and unlocked guild bounties, treks, and rush. The guild fell inactive when the core group of members took a break from the game. Now a few of the core members are returning and we decided we would like to keep it a small community.

There are no strict requirements that come with our guild. Many of us either have full time jobs or are attending school full time so our gaming time isn’t always a lot.

We are currently in the works with other guilds to form a sort of _ guild mission alliance_ . The plan is to work with other small guilds like ourselves who enjoy being in smaller guilds but are looking to easily accomplish all missions and earn the highest amount of guild merits. We will be coordinating times so that all guilds will unlock all missions and all members will obtain their guild commendations.

The desired size of our guild would be between 10-15 members playing at a time. By this I mean that there is always 10-15 members online that way we can easily form groups for dungeons, if someone needs help, etc.

Once we arrive at our desirable size we will stop recruiting to the public and just accept friends of guildmates to keep that close community of players.

Now just a general overview of our guild. We are dungeon running, achievement point hunting, world event PvE players. We don’t have any level requirements so we are accepting 1 week new players to been playing since beta players. Beta members be aware of new members and no question is a dumb question. That doesn’t mean we run just CoF, in fact, I prefer not to. We like running a wide variety of dungeons including FoTm.

If you are interested feel free to contact me in game or leave a comment down below!

[SoS] Small Guild of Friends

in Looking for...

Posted by: cesmode.4257


I sent you a PM here on the forums.


Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.