SoSwag - Reboot

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


Sea of Swag – Reboot

SoSwag has been through it all. We have had friendly rivalries and have been called friendly foes, underdog, and some people have even called us the gangster of love… or at least that’s what unconfirmed reports suggest. Sea of Sorrows is a world that puts fun into WvW and not just through illiteracy. We’ve done a lot of swinging between the polar opposites of matches we’ll definitely win, and matches we’ll definitely lose. While neither are awesome options in themselves, we still go out there, play the game and aim to enjoy ourselves. Oh, and pick up an awful lot of loot.

We have a strong focus on our community. SoSwag is one & only server which has survived T1 collapse all the way down to T4/5 and rebuilt back to a stable community in T2. No one guild can do everything and with the range of interests and styles a world will have, we believe it’s vital to have our guilds be as close as possible. SoSwag is a world whose regular WvW crews are heavily made up by PvX guilds, fight guilds, Objective focused guilds & defensive guilds. We recognize the importance of collaboration and teamwork if we intend to do well and have fun out there.

With plenty of our WvW veterans departing the game or with losing leaders in timezones like OCX, we have a few gaps that need to be filled to make WvW enjoyable. We’re not so fussed about winning or losing, but we want to be able to provide the community of SoSwag with comrades in all timezones & leaders/pugmanders to play with.

We are also in no particular rush. We would prefer that interested players and guilds take the time to get to know our community and be sure that we’re the right world for them to call home.

Inform guilds/players about SoSwag culture of ‘hands off’ WvW

Who we want:

NA: We are happy with the number of guilds we have in NA during the weekend not all guilds raid everyday. We are looking for 1 additional NA guild. What we need most is individual players who are looking for a active guild. Please check out of Guilds section if you are looking for a guild!

OCX: We have a solid PvX population in our OCX timezone that is looking for leaders/pugmanders to develop them. Currently we only have 1 guild (PINE) in OCX timezone that can’t raid/play every night. If you are a Pugmander that is looking to teach/learn/grow with the server SoSwag Ocx will not dissapoint!

SEA: We are happy with our SEA coverage’s balance between the three servers currently in T2.Individual players are welcome to check out our Guilds section if you are looking for a guild!

EU: We have one of the best early EU guilds in the game (PAIN). They recently came back to SoSwag and are currently looking for players that love WvW. Our Late EU has always been lacking. We are looking for the following: Pugmanders + LateEU/Early NA guild that is looking to farm bags & is able to float and cover borderlands. Currently this timezone is militia powered and lacks pugmanders most days.

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


What we offer:

Business Casual WvW
SoSwag has a relaxed ‘hands off’ approach to WvW. We don’t want to go back to T1 ever. We just play WvW for fun, when we can, and enjoy the fights. OPs or havoc squads are encouraged to tag up and coordinate with main group. You won’t be harassed for taking days off or GvGing etc. Also, should you transfer, we would never expect you to put in “x” amount of hours/“x” amount of days a week. Just come to play, have fun & collect dem bags!

No-perma lag/Queues
Unless all 3 zergs are in the same area there is hardly any skill lag. Queue can be seen on EB/SoS border once a while but with only 5-10 mins max. After Friday reset we hardly have any queues on any borderland except once a while a queue on EB for 5 mins can be found.

Weekly WvW/Server meeting
Our server/wvw meeting is open to everyone. We are a open server without egos, that encourages everyone on the server to have a voice. SoS guilds provide organization and structure for those interested in working together for WvW. The meeting is usually 30 mins or less as we don’t want GW2 to be a second job.

New to WvW? Welcome
SoS offer a fun environment for new players to learn in without megazergs like in T1 or dead zones in lower tiers. SoS players reinforce ideas of scouting/upgrading/floating to defend/training to new players and keep things positive in Team chat.

Community TS3
We encourage our players to use ts3 to coordinate via whisperlists & have a pretty active community ts3 that majority of server uses. Outside of primetime plenty of players can be seen in TS3 coordinating without tag.

Competitive Tier 2
As one of the 3 dancing partners in Tier 2 you will get to enjoy the fights! FA has a pretty balanced NA compared to SoSwag and recently YB is getting infusions to bring their population up. Lots of fights/bags to be had. If you like GvGs/Scrims T2 is the place to be as more & more guilds are entering the scene. We ask that guilds look at YB/FA prior to SoS for NA as we already have ALOT of fight guilds.

What we don’t offer:
Gold to transfer (We refund for 1 scout to check out SoS)
Tension + Headaches

Man At Arms – Chris.3290 (NA)
Gandalf The Grey – Horntail.8359 (NA)
Wen Jie.8920 (SEA)
Keen Minathar – TCDJ.5378 (EU)
Jeebers – Huddo.1065 (OCX)

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US

(edited by Luvpie.8350)

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


Guilds of SoS.
Brief Description of guilds on SoS that are currently recruiting!

Bad Guys Anonymous [BGA]: Fights/Objective based guild that’s about to get into GvGs as well. Raids Monday – Friday 8pm-10pm EST, rep during raids! Website: Contact: KingofSpadesANV.4180

Emerald Fang [Fang] : Both objective/fight based WvW & PVP focused guild looking to get started in GvGs. Rep (required 4pm-10pm PST US)/TS3. Mostly NA/EU players.
Contacts= Luvpie.8350

Bringing the [PAIN]: Semi-hardcore fight-focused WvW & scrim/GvG focused guild. EU guild, players spread worldwide.
Contacts: Swordfish.8512, TazR.8745, TCDJ.5378

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


CNB is also a guild as well.

I feel emotions when I think about you.

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Xenesis.6389


So many things wrong with this post. “Sea of Swag” that alone says how bad the attitude of T2 and SoS in particular has gotten in the past year. Congratulations you’ve just stamped the approval for Mag 2.0.


Another derailing post. ^^
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: michael.6294


I <3 SoSwag.

“Never bring a knife to a gun fight.”

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: BATMAN.6794


SoS is my Gotham. Nuff said.

Desert Borderlands suck bring back alpine til new ones are revamped

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


So many things wrong with this post. “Sea of Swag” that alone says how bad the attitude of T2 and SoS in particular has gotten in the past year. Congratulations you’ve just stamped the approval for Mag 2.0.


we stole your swag :P come get it.. always had the most respect for Mags and their militia. Some of the best players.

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Visirale.6097


I’ve been on several different servers in my time playing. I’ve been on SOS twice. Although I may not have a fanclub on sos, I am impressed by both of my stays on the server. It is truly accepting of all different playstyles and no one is going to ask you to stop playing the game however it is that you enjoy playing it. Coming from a gvg perspective, SOS has embraced what we have done and have been able to maintain stability in t2 for a long time now. In my time with HOPE and now SYN, people understand how we play. Even if they don’t enjoy that style there is usually an element of respect. I am impressed with the number of non gvg guild members who will come watch us and support us on random nights in OS.

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


I’ve been on several different servers in my time playing. I’ve been on SOS twice. Although I may not have a fanclub on sos, I am impressed by both of my stays on the server. It is truly accepting of all different playstyles and no one is going to ask you to stop playing the game however it is that you enjoy playing it. Coming from a gvg perspective, SOS has embraced what we have done and have been able to maintain stability in t2 for a long time now. In my time with HOPE and now SYN, people understand how we play. Even if they don’t enjoy that style there is usually an element of respect. I am impressed with the number of non gvg guild members who will come watch us and support us on random nights in OS.

Thank you for the kind words! Hope you enjoy SoS

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


CNB is also a guild as well.

CNB = best recruitment post

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Rocketmist.5436


nicely put, fun times on SoS now that we have fights all the time!

[TL] Guild Leader, Sea of Sorrows, SoS Council

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: KingofSpadesANV.4180


Sea of Sorrows is still alive and well. We will continue to fight and continue to hold our own in Tier 2. Don’t listen to the rumors, SoS is a stable server. On that note, here is more info on my guild, BGA.

Bad Guys Anonymous is looking to run 15-20 man organized wvw groups! We currently draw 10-15, but we need more!

What we are about: Our primary goal is to be a strong presence on the battlefield. Whether it’s going head to head with an enemy zerg, or flipping a T3 WP’d Keep, we will make the enemy respond to us!

What we offer: Organized WvW/Raids, competitive atmosphere but no drama/egos, about to enter the GvG scene!

Guild Raids: We raid Monday – Friday from 8pm-10pm EST. Training sessions will be held on Thursdays. Attendance at raids is mandatory if you are online. We require people to be in TS during a raid.

Guild Requirements: Attendance at raids is mandatory if you are online. We expect you to make at least 2 raids per week. (Obviously if real life issues pop up, we will understand, but please let us know in advance either in game or via our website.)

Use of the TS channel is mandatory during raids, even if you have no mic. Listening to the driver is a must for any guild that runs organized raids, and we are no exception

We don’t require 100% rep, but we do require you to rep during raids.

You will use the guild raid builds when we are raiding. Should you have ideas for a better version of our provided builds, please bring it up. We are always open to new suggestions.

We also have a guild website that we require you to use. This is because this is where we discuss guild issues and post our guild raid builds. Without access to the guild site, you will miss out on important information. Sign up is easy and free.

How to join: If you’re interested in joining, please go to and submit an application! (Or send a mail to myself or an officer in game!)

Any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to whisper or send a mail to myself or an officer!

KingofSpadesANV.4180 (Me)

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


Sea of Sorrows is still alive and well. We will continue to fight and continue to hold our own in Tier 2. Don’t listen to the rumors, SoS is a stable server. On that note, here is more info on my guild, BGA.

Bad Guys Anonymous is looking to run 15-20 man organized wvw groups! We currently draw 10-15, but we need more!

What we are about: Our primary goal is to be a strong presence on the battlefield. Whether it’s going head to head with an enemy zerg, or flipping a T3 WP’d Keep, we will make the enemy respond to us!

What we offer: Organized WvW/Raids, competitive atmosphere but no drama/egos, about to enter the GvG scene!

Guild Raids: We raid Monday – Friday from 8pm-10pm EST. Training sessions will be held on Thursdays. Attendance at raids is mandatory if you are online. We require people to be in TS during a raid.

Guild Requirements: Attendance at raids is mandatory if you are online. We expect you to make at least 2 raids per week. (Obviously if real life issues pop up, we will understand, but please let us know in advance either in game or via our website.)

Use of the TS channel is mandatory during raids, even if you have no mic. Listening to the driver is a must for any guild that runs organized raids, and we are no exception

We don’t require 100% rep, but we do require you to rep during raids.

You will use the guild raid builds when we are raiding. Should you have ideas for a better version of our provided builds, please bring it up. We are always open to new suggestions.

We also have a guild website that we require you to use. This is because this is where we discuss guild issues and post our guild raid builds. Without access to the guild site, you will miss out on important information. Sign up is easy and free.

How to join: If you’re interested in joining, please go to and submit an application! (Or send a mail to myself or an officer in game!)

Any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to whisper or send a mail to myself or an officer!

KingofSpadesANV.4180 (Me)

Thanks for the bump/info. I will refer people to this thread for SoS prospects!

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lawrencii.1356


Any late EU guild who wants to come on vacations to SoS is more than welcome, no lag, no ques, plenty of golems to hit and bags to collect!

¬ I A Euphy ¬ SoS ¬

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: CherryTriggerCola.3816


[RioT] The Uncivil Rebels is a WvW focused guild on the server Sea Of Sorrows [NA].

We aim to run 25-30 and compose a strong 20v20 GvG team

Currently looking for :

1 Mesmer with Spvp/GvG Gank focus experience preferred.
2 Necromancer.
2 Staff elementalist.
2 Guardians

About us:

We have experienced commanders and a strong team composed mostly of WvW veterans. We are not ‘hardcore’ in terms of kicking people for dying but rather teach and explain. We have class leaders for all classes who implement build checks and spvp situated training.

The guild schedule is below, (Mandatory raids must be attended if you’re online).

Monday – Event TBS 21:00 EST.
Tuesday – Mandatory Training/Spvp/GvG 21:00 EST.
Wednesday – WvW Mandatory Raid 21:00 EST.
Thursday – Official Day Off!!
Friday – WvW Reset Mandatory.
Saturday -WvW Mandatory Raid 21:00 EST.
Sunday – Open Raid 20:00 EST.


-Guild representation during raid times.
-Teamspeak 3 with mic .
-Willing to change build/Gear.
- Attend class/general training if and when required.

If you would like any more info you can contact any of the officers in game :


One of our commanders is also forming an OCX/Sea WvW guild for those who wish to have a more structured WvW experience similar to the NA time slot so anyone currently in SoS is more than welcome to ask for more infomation and be able to get bags with as much precision as our enemies

Now for my PvX main Guild that I am an officer in:

Knight’s Australia has been on SoS since GW1 and still under the leadership of Carey. We are not a guild that intends to move servers because the grass might look greener on the other side. Some of you may remember us when we were more heavily into WvW. We are now a more casual PvX Guild. Just a bunch of friendly Aussies and Kiwis and Americans who play the OCX time slot. We have all buffs and all Guild Missions unlocked. We do have vent or TS3. We are not 100% rep and do a little bit of everything especially Tpvp/new content achievement completion/dungeons and WvW. If you are interested in KA then send me an in game mail or find one of our other officers or leaders.

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


Every time someone transfers to SoSwag.

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Phedre Scion.1520

Phedre Scion.1520

Looking for an SoS guild? Visit us on

(edited by Phedre Scion.1520)

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: TCDJ.5378


SoS has a lot to offer for everyone.

There’s a mix of PPT players and those who only (or mostly) pursue fights or GvGs. Whatever it is you’re looking for SoS has it.

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mione Masterhand.4506

Mione Masterhand.4506

SoS is the Place to be!! fun games laughs and WvW quaility is great and friendly you know the server now be a part of it we will see you there

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Porter.2830


CNB is a guild.

Also, we at SoS love EBg watergate tappers like Vaporware from FA’s [Foo]. I mean Viperiz. (He silly. Quit blocking.)

Also, CNB = Guild.



Winner & 1st Runner Up: Mirror Staring Contest

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chris.3290


We’re looking for people who believe they play at a higher level and want the chance to prove it.

We have some truly great guilds (some of the best GvG guilds and open-field groups call SoS home) but we’re also looking for masters of small scale combat. Roamers and small group combat enthusiasts will find a target-rich environment in our matchups.

No matter what time of day you play there is quality small group combat going on.

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Bumping dis.

We are looking for PvF people to hold down SoS’s reputation on the GW2WvW forums. We’re also looking for more guilds to pull Yak’s Bend out of their towers, and show them their is life in WvW outside of Towers and Keeps.

We are also looking for people looking to get into gvg or learn to drive, many guilds are looking for back-up drivers, so if you have an interest in learning to drive. This would be a great place for you.

Oh and EUR time zone guilds, lots and lots of EUR guilds.

(edited by Icebot.6103)

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Phedre Scion.1520

Phedre Scion.1520

Warm welcome to WZ. Come join the fun on SeaofSwag.

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chris.3290


There are a lot of enemy k-trains to farm in SEA and throughout EU. If you play at these times and want to fill your inventory with heavy loot bags, then get in touch with us today.

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: KingofSpadesANV.4180


Picked up some new people, but we could still use a stronger EU presence!

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chris.3290


Welcome to Sea of Sorrows, IX!

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


Welcome to IX.

We could use some EU to help out our outmanned militia on all borders. Come help militia HOLD back the floodgates of yb blobs.

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Phedre Scion.1520

Phedre Scion.1520

We are a great group of various guilds. Come check us out at

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Leery.2976


I used to have problems with my swag. Now don’t get me wrong, I had as much swag as your average guy, but sometimes average just isn’t enough, you know? Ever since I started playing on SoS, there’s been a noticeable difference. My friends all have been comparing their swag to mine and I’m happy to say they’ve been put to shame. So thank you SoSwag for your help in all the right places.

Leery – Ehmry Bay
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chris.3290


Welcome to RI, FUN, and BEVR!

(edited by Chris.3290)

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chris.3290


We’re looking very good during NA and our OCX is back in action. We’re really looking for EU PuGmanders or guilds to really seal the deal.
All three of the other servers that play in T2 have more EU, so there is plenty of things to do. You will not get bored.

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chris.3290


If you are a NA guild looking to transfer to SoS, please talk to one of our reps first. We’re pretty close to where we want to be in terms of population so talk to us rather than just show up.

Our other timezones are not turning anyone away, especially EU where we could use some eager bag collectors.

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ryu.3972


Really glad we are getting some new recruits and transfers to Sea of Sorrows in the past two weeks, we definitely need all the people we can get to fight those new upcoming “bandwagon” servers. Really hope to see you guys in Sea of Sorrows!

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Phedre Scion.1520

Phedre Scion.1520

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Luvpie.8350

Luvpie.8350 Too much Swag… Still need EU

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Huddo.1065


Still needing EU, and havoc groups wouldn’t be too bad either.

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


Transfers beware!

Those that transfer to SoS end up…

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: BATMAN.6794


If you want to zerg bust during the european time zone through late european time zone, SoS is most definitely the server for you. FA and YB both have forces in both those time zones. Alot of free bags for the taking.

Desert Borderlands suck bring back alpine til new ones are revamped

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: fishball.7204


Free bump for old friends on SoS \o


SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icebot.6103


Need OCX/SEA (especially commanders), EUR (especially commanders), early NA (3pm PST – 5pm PST) REALLY need some god kitten defense, havoc and scouts during that time zone. Late NA (9pm PST-12am PST) would be swell as well, but I don’t want to get greedy.

T2 Bandwagon is in full effect, jump on board this thing before it crashes.

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chris.3290


We have all the NA GvG/Fighting guilds that we can handle at the moment. We have plenty of room for anyone else, in all timezones, and all playstyles are welcome.

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Phedre Scion.1520

Phedre Scion.1520

If you didn’t join us you missed our elementalist raid. Come join the fun and visit us at

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: TCDJ.5378


Over the last four months SoS has had numerous guilds join us after being refunded only one scout and nothing more. The fact that these guilds funded all their other members themselves must be a sign of how they enjoy what SoS has to offer.

If you’re looking for something new, send a scout as they did and see what your new home is like.

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Phedre Scion.1520

Phedre Scion.1520

We have new friends and are having lots of fun. But if you are havok, EU, SEA come chat with us to get some swag.

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Luvpie.8350

Best Tier in game yo!

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chris.3290


we’ve gained some havoc teams but still looking for more. All hours but specially non-NA Prime should have a lot of fun in our tier and matchups.

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Rozalynne.7409


Shamelessly bumping!

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: El Cid.3416

El Cid.3416

Kicking kitten and taking names… SoS… Look us up!

SoSwag - Reboot

in Looking for...

Posted by: Phedre Scion.1520

Phedre Scion.1520

Still looking for eu and havok. You will find lots of action from the opposition