Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Guild missions are a go for tomorrow after reset! Come join us for your commendations stay for the community

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Come try us out! Still looking for members, especially those looking to do speedruns and solo/duo/sell arah.

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Bump! Missions were a success today and we’re still recruiting ^^

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

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Posted by: Thado.7620


Send me invite.


Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Still looking for new members to invite!

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

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Posted by: Tobias.8632


Send me an invite. Really desperate for some nice clean and fast arah runs. I’m not godlike but I do alright when I have a reliable team of people backing me up.

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

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Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Still recruiting, come try us out

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

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Posted by: unHolysin.7958


Still recruiting anyone interested in speedruns!

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Come give us a shot, we’re a really active bunch!

(edited by Lorgus.6148)

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Still recruiting! Come try us out if you’re into dungeons.

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Lots of good players have been joining up lately! Come give us a try.

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Still recruiting, come check us out ^^

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Bump! Always looking for more applicants

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: JadOLantern.7142


Hey guys! im excited to know that you guys are still recruiting so i would take this chance to ask if may i join you? right know i have 3 toons with complete berserk equips/sigils/runes. war/ele/ranger and i play 6 times a week most of the time 5-8hours.
i can only run ac/cm/cof so i need to learn the remaining 5 dungeons and btw do you prefer server transfer? im from kaineng so i would like to know that and thats not a problem for me.

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Sure thing Jad!
You sound like just the right fit, active and friendly
We’re cross-server so we don’t ask for server transfer, though if the new gvg content requires same-server guild members (pretty unlikely) we might consider it then.
Someone will contact you in-game with an invite soon, look forward to running with you ^^

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zalavaaris.5329


Sounds good to me!

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Bump! Still looking for more friendly people to join us on our runs!

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Lots of applications coming in, keep ’em coming ^^

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: david.1658


i know a few dungeons, mostly the ez ones(ac p3, TA up/fwd and probably one more i cant think of) i have level 80 guardian,mesmer, ranger(dont use during dungeons), and ele all pretty much runed. i’d like to learn more and maybe one day arah.

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


i know a few dungeons, mostly the ez ones(ac p3, TA up/fwd and probably one more i cant think of) i have level 80 guardian,mesmer, ranger(dont use during dungeons), and ele all pretty much runed. i’d like to learn more and maybe one day arah.

Sounds good! I’ll send you an invite when I get home. If you like, take the chance to check out our website and policies ^^

I look forward to running with you~

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: david.1658


i know a few dungeons, mostly the ez ones(ac p3, TA up/fwd and probably one more i cant think of) i have level 80 guardian,mesmer, ranger(dont use during dungeons), and ele all pretty much runed. i’d like to learn more and maybe one day arah.

Sounds good! I’ll send you an invite when I get home. If you like, take the chance to check out our website and policies ^^

I look forward to running with you~

sweet, im at work right now i’ll b here till 11(4 more hours) i’ll send u a message!

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Still looking for more members

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Bump for more dungeon runners!

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Still looking for more members ^^

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Bump! Still recruiting!

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Still recruiting

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Lots of new members been joining lately, come try us out if you enjoy fast runs and an active gchat.

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

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Posted by: Dakinia.8923


I applied to the guild this morning via the website. Hope to get a chance to run with you all and relearn the dungeons.

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


I’ve accepted your application Dakinia
Looking forward to running with you!

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Had a big influx of new members lately, so now’s a great time to join up and learn some speedrun tactics!

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrChiefem.2781


don’t say or “complain” about not being able to find group or u will be kicked by their higher up’s for “attitude”

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Tobias.8632


Heavily exclusionary guild, extremely hostile attitude from many some members. Played with these people for two weeks and then I get kicked, without any kind of warning at all, because my main is a necro (which I play to the highest possible level, dagger power build full exotic/ascended zerk etc) and that’s not good enough, despite the fact that I had been openly spending most of my spare time in those weeks leveling an elementalist alt for better dungeon play.

Try to talk to the guild officers about this and get told “We’re trying to achieve a higher level of play, deal with it”

Would not recommend this guild to anyone unless you’re an extreme speedrun elitist warrior/mes/guard/ele etc.

(edited by Tobias.8632)

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Tobias, you ran a necro with staff and speed signet in dungeons, of all things, so please don’t say that you play to “the highest possible level” :/

MrChiefem, while I personally was not present for the little tantrum you threw in gchat, when I asked the other guildies that I was considering kicking you based on the many complaints I received, the general response was “mrchiefem? kitten that guy.” If you’ve managed to antagonize so many of our members, then I’m baffled at the fact that you fail to see the problem with your, as you put it, “attitude”

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

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Posted by: ShadownDeath.5376


Id like to join, got lvl 80 mes/guard/war/thief i’ve run most dungeons but ive been doing nothing but pugging fractals for the past few months so i might need a refresher on some speed run tactics but in def willing to learn and am totally down to changing traits/ utilities as needed

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Id like to join, got lvl 80 mes/guard/war/thief i’ve run most dungeons but ive been doing nothing but pugging fractals for the past few months so i might need a refresher on some speed run tactics but in def willing to learn and am totally down to changing traits/ utilities as needed

Hey that sounds great, flexibility is definitely something we value. I’ll be sure to send you an invite at some point later today, so keep an eye on your guild tab!

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

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Posted by: IronicDeath.9481


[TC] is still recruiting active dungeon runners!~

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Tobias.8632


Tobias, you ran a necro with staff and speed signet in dungeons, of all things, so please don’t say that you play to “the highest possible level” :/

The only time I have ever equipped a staff inside of a dungeon is for the section after Lupi in arah p4 where you need to hit those turret structures from range in order to not aggro mobs or the start of AC taking out the kitten flame turrets in the spider room. Something you cannot do with a dagger. Of course I use the speed signet for skipping sections, the only other option for necro going fast is locust swarm which causes a constant AoE DoT around the player causing you to tag any mobs you try to run past putting you into combat and making you go SLOWER.

But oh no, instead of actually trying to talk about whatever bull screenshot was sent to you, mr “we are open to teaching newer members, no matter their skill level or gear” I just get thrown out of the guild without any attempt to communicate to fix whatever issues people were having with the way I play. I would have been completely open to any feedback of any kind at any time about how I could have played better, but received not a single word. You are a liar and an ***hole.

(edited by Tobias.8632)

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Nope, not at all what what I was told, in fact, from what I hear you would brush off any feedback with angry deflections towards the other players and anet’s “necro hate”, no matter how softly/politely you were reminded and kept on doing your own thing. So you know where you can shove your lies about you being “completely open to communication.” Uncooperative and aggressive players get kicked, it’s as simple as that.

And if I have to choose between believing an openly abusive player with anger management issues and well-balanced, genuinely kind guildies who have never given me reason to doubt their word, I will certainly believe the latter. All you’re doing with your angry rants is proving that we’ve made the right call.

P.S. I personally saw that the speed signet was on for multiple fights, and even for skipping trash it’s unnecessary because we always blast swiftness anyway. Though maybe you didn’t know that swiftness and speed signets don’t stack, mr “highest possible level”

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

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Posted by: xDarkEmber x.7492

xDarkEmber x.7492

I applied for the guild

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Tobias.8632


Nope, not at all what what I was told, in fact, from what I hear you would brush off any feedback with angry deflections towards the other players and anet’s “necro hate”, no matter how softly/politely you were reminded and kept on doing your own thing. So you know where you can shove your lies about you being “completely open to communication.” Uncooperative and aggressive players get kicked, it’s as simple as that.

You may always blast swiftness, but that was far from true for every guild group I joined.

The closest anything ever came to that was one time I joined a group with a specific member, can’t really remember the name one word starts with A, and got “omg why are you playing necro” and I replied with “lol want me to get on my level 24 ele? It’s all I got right now, blame anet haha” and put up with snide remarks from them for half the run before I decided to just drop group and go do something else. This happened in one run, ever, and in future I purposefully avoiding joining runs with that player because I knew they didn’t like me playing this class.

The only thing I was ever “reminded” about was that necro is sub-optimal for PvE, which I completely agree with 100%. Maybe sometimes I forget to switch locust signet back to power signet when coming out of a run which is usually corrected within a minute or so, but if you can find one, ONE screenshot of anybody, at any time, suggesting anything or any way that I should change my build up or play differently where I was like “no screw you speed signet is BiS” or whatever then you’ll be totally justified, but you won’t find it, because THAT HAS LITERALLY NEVER HAPPENED, EVER.

Or even any pictures of me being aggressive toward guild members, because that has also never happened. Of course I’m being aggressive now because this is one of the most insulting things that has ever happened to me, people aren’t that happy when you treat them like worthless pieces of ****, man.

If someone comes to you with these kind of complaints, you ask for proof, and regardless of what they offer you then talk to both people involved and try to find a solution. You and I ran multiple dungeons together, talked in teamspeak, you literally were there while I was helping some newer players through arah p4 explaining the run, the way I was there is the same way I was to everybody, just trying to be helpful and do a good job.

(edited by Tobias.8632)

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


I’ll go over the complaints with those who brought them to my attention, but I don’t think anyone was in the business of taking screenshots. I’ll bring it up with our officers as well, but I must admit that it’s unlikely the decision will be reversed, if only for the reason you chose to bring this to our recruitment thread, where it has no business being, rather than PM me directly.

There’s no need to take getting kicked from a guild so personally, it is no comment on you as a person (and nobody ever called you a “worthless piece of kitten”, nor implied it), simply a reflection of two different philosophies on doing things. I’m sure you’d feel more at home in a guild more aligned with your attitude towards doing things anyway.

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Tobias.8632


I did take it to PM with coco, who completely blew me off. I have no interest in being a part of this guild any more but I felt attention needed to be called to how poorly this issue was handled if only for the future benefit of exiting and potential members.

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


I have no interest in being a part of this guild any more

That’s great to hear because you won’t be. Though you did a thorough job of exposing your anger issues and antisocial tendencies in a public setting

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kaede.3189


don’t say or “complain” about not being able to find group or u will be kicked by their higher up’s for “attitude”

If you’re talking about the time when you complained on our guild chat for hours about not being able to find a dungeon group the second you asked despite we already have multiple dungeon groups in various dungeons, all whom asked for more people when you didn’t respond.

Not to mention your condescending attitude like “Oh guess I’ll just pug, thanks guildies” or “Thought I could find a group in this guild and not have to pug, guess I was wrong.”

Yeah, if that’s not an attitude problem, I don’t know what is.

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Bump! Still recruiting avid dungeon-runners.

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Still recruiting new members!

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Still recruiting! Come try us out if you’re into dungeons.

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Always looking for experienced dungeoneers~

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Still recruiting

Social Dungeon-runners wanted! [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Been busy lately, but never too busy to bump~