Starting Casual PvP Team

Starting Casual PvP Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: polariss.9071


So I love playing pvp with a team on a consistent basis, but not looking to be real hardcore. If other people are interested I’d love to start a pvp team that plays every Tuesday night anytime between 7-11pm EST.

You don’t have to be amazing at pvp or anything; we’ll improve together as a team.
I’m a semi bunker warrior for the most part, but I have other toons I use in pvp as well. Doesn’t really matter what you play, we’ll make it work and can always switch up build if needed.

Only requirements is that you have a mic and are usually available most Tuesdays at that time.

(edited by polariss.9071)

Starting Casual PvP Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Grimwar.3789


Hi polariss,
Interestingly our NA casual PvX guild is looking to host Tuesday Night Fights. See our site ( or message me in game.

Stay Thirsty,

Deux Ex [XX] on Stormbluff Isle