Hello and welcome to the Suicidal guide to survival, I am Caberea and we are looking for anybody who just wants to play and have a fun time. We’re pretty small, but have some helpful players that will be able to help you through jumping puzzles, dungeons, even getting crafting materials. The i in the title is…well…I screwed up when starting out and accidentally left the correctly typed version of it and now that guild’s lost to time…
But enough about that, if you’re looking for fun, or just need some help, join the Suicidal Guide to Survival and we can die repeatedly across all of Tyria in our quest for gold, loot, and…actually that’s pretty much it. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Oh yeah…I might have forgotten to mention that we’re on Sea of Sorrows, NA server, most of the people in it are Oceanic, but anybody can join, we’re not picky. Just send me a message and I’ll invite you.