[TC] Looking for RP guild late at night

[TC] Looking for RP guild late at night

in Looking for...

Posted by: Leodious.5671


Hello, all.

Essentially, I am looking for a not-too-heavy roleplaying guild on Tarnished Coast that is active late in the night, for me (I’m on EST), around 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. server time most nights, especially weekends. The middle of the week is more up in the air for me usually, but Fri-Sun I am usually on regularly.

One thing that I am really looking for, and have not found, is a guild that uses the guild chat as in character chat that takes place in a guild hall or some other gathering place. While I don’t really mind roleplaying while walking around a city, and it certainly is important for some things, I much prefer to be playing the game actively while roleplaying, and a global chat channel to use as a gathering place allows for everyone to RP together while not necessarily being together, or while doing story missions and the like.

I also very much enjoy roleplaying, at least to a degree, while running dungeons and missions. When I am in the game world, I am usually in character, regardless of what I am doing.

I have played Guild Wars 1 and 2 since both were released, save for a time shortly after GW2 was released during which I could not play at all. I have yet to run any dungeons in Guild Wars 2, but am generally a decent to good player and learn quickly about combat roles and strategy. I tend to do best as a support character. I have an 80 warrior, which I don’t much play, and a 40something guardian, who I expect will be my main. I am also well acquainted with Tyrian lore, and adhere to what works with the canon rather strictly.

Thanks everyone for reading, and I hope I sound like a nice fit for some people out there.