[TDA] The Daemon Army - Seafarer's Rest EU

[TDA] The Daemon Army - Seafarer's Rest EU

in Looking for...

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


[TDA] Are always recruiting!

We’re a friendly, casual, 370+ strong, PvX guild that accepts mature players from all countries/timezones. There are no age/lvl restrictions although elitist or abusive players are not welcome (we kick those sorts quickly).

We currently have 6 events per week covering all aspects of PvE/PvP play and are looking to expand with new officers creating and leading their own events each month. We have a busy TeamSpeak and an equally busy website/forums full of information on our current events, competitions and tournaments. We carry out monthly meetings and openly invite all members to contribute their opinions, ideas and criticisms in order to make the guild the best for all involved.

We require that our members rep TDA at all times on all characters. Also new members are expected to register on the site within one week of joining. This is to ensure greatest community participation and allows us to run so many varied events whilst ensuring good turnout for each one.

If you’re interested check out the community homepage where you can send us an application. Alternatively you can mail me in-game, username is to the left of this post.

I hope to see you in Tyria soon!

- Rhaps Arnaux, GM TDA.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

[TDA] The Daemon Army - Seafarer's Rest EU

in Looking for...

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Membership is still shooting up, at 460+ now, but we’re still recruiting active players to join one of the busiest guilds on the server. We offer the most events the and friendliest community, come join us!

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

[TDA] The Daemon Army - Seafarer's Rest EU

in Looking for...

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Still going strong as ever; recently kicked a batch of inactives (we’re a very active guild and hit the 500 cap) and have around 50 spaces going in the guild at the moment. They’re filling up fast though so send me a message in-game if you’re interested!

Also check out our christmas lottery and festive fun day all coming up soon along with other guild news @ http://www.alpharevolver.com

Have a merry christmas everyone!

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]