[TTS] guild is where you want to be!

[TTS] guild is where you want to be!

in Looking for...

Posted by: HellsPriest.6745


I know you probably have heard of us. I hope at least haha. However something awesome needs to be said. Tonight we filled up THREE overflows full of TTS members, and all of them beat him simultaneously!

WE are the guild to be in if you want to beat Tequatl! 3rd guild is almost full! Post in the 3rd guild post, to get an invite or PM any of the leaders.

Ahlou – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Founder of TTS [TTS] gamers
“How do you feel about killing?” …I don’t.

[TTS] guild is where you want to be!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ProfessorShanks.7681


Invite me!

Character: ProfessorShanks

[TTS] guild is where you want to be!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Yxcavoxacyn.9087


I would like an invite

character name: Yysthymus

[TTS] guild is where you want to be!

in Looking for...

Posted by: jazzllanna.1278


Yes so glad I joined got my sunbringer title tonight

[TTS] guild is where you want to be!

in Looking for...

Posted by: HellsPriest.6745


We just got some of HOD their first kill, a lot of them joined us in overflows tonight and we got them their first kills!

Ahlou – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Founder of TTS [TTS] gamers
“How do you feel about killing?” …I don’t.

[TTS] guild is where you want to be!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Godslayer.4952


Can I please get a invite

Name: Bimobaby

[TTS] guild is where you want to be!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Azzy.2043


I’d love an invite if possible.

Name: Lenyl

[TTS] guild is where you want to be!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pwent.7083


Is there still room in this guild, or do I need to request an invite to the 4th?