Tarnished Coast: Forgiving RP guild.
Hi there!
The Remnants of Hope offers PvX, WvW, and RP. You do not have to be in character all the time while playing. If you want to RP you do, if you want to explore the map you can! We value the player and encourage you to play the way that makes you happy!
To learn more check out http://www.remnantsofhope.com/gw2
Recruitment officer for Remnants of Hope
Thank you, I was wondering if RP is a focus of the guild or is it something that some members do but not a main aspect of the guild?
We don’t have one focus of the guild. The way the guild is set up is there are departments that focus on each aspect. We have a pve dept, rp dept, and pvp dept. So yes it is a focus of the guild .. in fact we have a lore event tonight… We are not a huge guild and are building that department now. We would love to have you come in and join us! Check out the website for more information or you can message our RP department head in game under the name appleveedub or you can always send me a message as well.
Recruitment officer for Remnants of Hope