Tarnished Coast - Looking for social guild
Hi there!
Remnants of Hope [HOPE] is a fun social guild on Tarnished Coast! I’m sorry your friends didn’t continue on to this game but we have a guild that matches what you are looking for. We offer PvX, WvW, RP while maintaining a fun social atmosphere on ts3 and in guild chat. If you would like to see more please check out http://www.remnantsofhope.com/gw2 and/or send me a message in game.
Recruitment officer for Remnants of Hope
Hey Laura,
Check out Cynical…http://www.cynicalgw2.com/home The website will give a good feel for the guild but if you have any questions please pm or whisper me or any of the officers. We are a friendly fairly social guild on TC. I think you would like it
? Terry Pratchett, Hogfather
Here is a link to information on our guild, Black Lion Expeditions, on Tarnished Coast server, for your consideration. Cheers!