Tarnished Cult - NA Cross-server PvE Guild

Tarnished Cult - NA Cross-server PvE Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kaede.3189


What is this guild? We’re a PvE guild, mostly based in Stormbluff Isle, but we welcome those from all servers!
Our guild name: Tarnished Cult
Tag: [TC]
Website: http://tarnishedcult.enjin.com/
Are you guys from Tarnished Coast? We get this a lot, but we’re NOT a tarnished coast guild, despite our name and tag. It looks similar, but trust us, we don’t even have many members from Tarnished Coast
What does the guild do? PvE mostly. World bosses, dungeons, fractals, etc. Our mission is to form a guild to dungeon/party with for maximum PvE effectiveness. Tired of dealing with random people who refuse to listen? Tired of getting kicked from dungeons due to lack of experience and want to learn more about harder PvE content? Then this is the place for you!
What server should I be on to join? Any server! We’re a cross-server PvE guild. guesting may be needed for certain PvE stuff and missions. A large number of members are on Stormbuff Isle though.
What should I look forward to in the guild? Friendly, new-players are welcome, we offer tutorials/walkthroughs through all dungeon paths and fractals. Builds for all classes are in the works. Fairly active, only 120+ members currently, but we are social, recruiting, and are growing. We have a teamspeak server.
Any requirements? Be friendly, no flaming/raging/trolling etc. Guild rep is only required when doing guild PvE runs. We’re a NA guild, and are usually on during afternoon/morning/evenings.
How hardcore/casual is the guild? We do not require extensive activity check/guild representing/elitism. We aim to be as effective in PvE as possible, but we’re also casual, so play however you want! But we’ll have suggestions for the most optimal PvE build/playstyles.
This all sounds great! What kind of members are currently in the guild? Glad you asked! All of our members are friendly, social, helpful. We have a guild rank system based on your own dungeon effectiveness, playstyle, and experience. We’re all a nice family of friendly members looking to grow even bigger.
What bonuses does this guild have to offer? We have guild missions every Saturday after reset. We do not have all missions unlocked due to it being cross-server, but we’re very close in doing so. Our more experienced members will be able to help you with most aspects of the game, including dungeons, achievements, guides, class builds, etc.
I’m interested, how do I join? Simple! Either contact an officer in-game (Mail or whisper), post here, or go to our website and leave a message! Our main contacts are:

Lorgus.6148 – Leader
Jetsu.9056 – Co-leader
IronicDeath.9481 – Co-leader
Me (Kaede.3189) – Admin
lioujh.1846 – Admin
Kayla.6470 – Admin
unHolysin.7958 – Admin
strong and brave.5718 – Legend

If you couldn’t get in touch with someone, please contact someone else. We’re all pretty active.

I was accepted! How do I join? Press G, and on your guild tab, look for our invitation on the bottom left.
I’m in the guild! Looking forward to playing with you guys! Us too! Enjoy the guild and remember: Always have fun!

(edited by Kaede.3189)

Tarnished Cult - NA Cross-server PvE Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Hi all, feel free to check us out, we’re reinvigorating the guild with many new members and activities, including daily speedruns and biweekly guild missions.

Feel free to check out our website at http://tarnishedcult.enjin.com/ as well.

See you all in-game

Tarnished Cult - NA Cross-server PvE Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Join us for missions tomorrow on SBI at 5:30 PM server time!

Tarnished Cult - NA Cross-server PvE Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dinofreak.5018


This Guild sounds great, but I’m really busy with work and college so I can’t play on a regular basis. My gaming schedule is very erratic but I would love to join, how difficult would it be to set up a dungeon on any day at a moments notice?

Tarnished Cult - NA Cross-server PvE Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: IronicDeath.9481


We have daily speed runs that occur from 2pm through 5pm server time. Admins and above lead the runs. Anyone can join the party. If you can’t make in that time you can always ask in guild chat and a party usually ends up forming if members are not already running paths.

Tarnished Cult - NA Cross-server PvE Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


This Guild sounds great, but I’m really busy with work and college so I can’t play on a regular basis. My gaming schedule is very erratic but I would love to join, how difficult would it be to set up a dungeon on any day at a moments notice?

We do speedruns daily, but because not everybody makes them we have people grouping up and forming parties on their own almost at all times. It should be really easy for you to find a group with us rather than pug- that’s kinda why we were formed :P

Tarnished Cult - NA Cross-server PvE Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dinofreak.5018


This Guild sounds great, but I’m really busy with work and college so I can’t play on a regular basis. My gaming schedule is very erratic but I would love to join, how difficult would it be to set up a dungeon on any day at a moments notice?

We do speedruns daily, but because not everybody makes them we have people grouping up and forming parties on their own almost at all times. It should be really easy for you to find a group with us rather than pug- that’s kinda why we were formed :P

Thats great! Thanks so much I am very interested. My in game name is Javgon and I would love to join.