Team *Soon* Looking for Players.
I will apply soon. Watch your inbox like a soon, because soon it happens , it will be Soon.
I’m not sure if I love this whole new “soon” thing…
Maybe I’ll know soon if i really do or not…..
I need rank ups for the PvE chests please. Can you carry me to level 80 to do fractals?
Noc Noc Noc Noc Noc Noc Noc Noc Noc Noc
Whit, I added you. I’ll message you soon.
When will then be now?
Bear how soon will your team be completed? Because soon the awesome feature patch will be out. So soon this game will be E-sports. Soon Davanci will be 1/64th of the man I am, he has been working at it for a while.
Magic Toker // Thief // The Abjured
soon I will rejoin the game and become the star player for the team!
Vöz – “Stand in the red circles, they heal you”
I am interested!, pm me Soon, plz.
Ferox, multiclass’r, ESL’r
Team Lead For Radioactive [dK] B Team
Team Lead For Radioactive [dK] B Team