(edited by Vanity.5982)
The Blood Guard - Balanced PvX
Bump! We have hit 80+ members and have successfully finished our first lottery round with a jackpot of 42.5 Gold!
Bump! We’ve reached 90+ members and guild level 4. We have also managed to get a guild stash!
Bump! We’ve reached 100+ members and guild level 5. We are now able to provide a scribing station!
Bump! We’ve reached 110+ members and have unlocked our Ore Node as well as bought a general merchant for our guild hall!
We’ve successfully completed all 3 missions that were thrown at us today. Read up about our adventures here:
Bump! Today 7 members won prizes at our 2nd lottery draw. The jackpot prize was 116.25 Gold! Read more about it on our homepage
Bump! We are now able to provide a repair anvil in our guild hall!
Bump! We have reached level 6 and now have a market.
Bump! We have reached level 8 and are now able to provide a War Room and a PvE mission slot.
Bump! We’ve successfully completed our PvE missions and have upgraded the Aetherium Capacity to level 2, so we can now collect 3000 aetherium at once.
Bump! We are planning a giant, 2 week long Halloween event with daily chances to win stuff, events, contests and more. Check it out here! http://gw2.eu.the.bloodguard.org/?p=427
bump! We have opened a YouTube channel for our guild, and will be regularly uploading videos to it. Check out our channel here! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7wAs598hioU9a4ronAjbfQ
Bump! We’ve successfully completed further missions and are preparing for our big Halloween event!
bump! We’ve held our 3rd lottery draw, with a jackpot of 83.5 Gold and one secondary winner. We’re now starting our first Halloween Lottery Round with extra winners and special prizes!
bump! We have reached level 10 and have unlocked the first arena upgrade!
Bump! We have reached level 11 and have unlocked a fully usable arena!
Bump! We’ve reached level 12 and now have a WvW mission slot!