A Brand new RP guild has sprung up on Tarnished Coast.
The Doctrinum is a primarily Asura guild which accepts any applicants with a wish to learn, research, explore, pioneer, and be the forefront of Asuran technological break throughs. An idea conceived in the Doctrinum, is destined to succeed.
Only accepting applicants of the highest intelligence, the Doctrinum is an ancient organization of some of the most intellectual minds in Tyria. Built primarily by Asuran inventors, the Doctrinum has escalated to becoming a widely renowned group of successful inventors and inventors.
Sadly after the storyline of Guild Wars 1, the Doctrinum’s members were hunted down for their intelligence and either killed, or forced into exile. Now, the Grand daughter of the former leader of the Doctrinum, Teenix, has set it to her mind to refound this once great and well respected organization.