The Iron Gears [TIG]

The Iron Gears [TIG]

in Looking for...

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

The Iron Gears is recruiting all engineers on the Yak’s Bend server. We are a new guild looking to pull Engineer players together. We will be a PvX guild with focus on helping players new to the Engineer profession and focusing on ways to make a group of Engineers feel useful in World vs World.

100% rep is not required and no you do not have to be on your Engineer 100% of the time I promise.

You should only join this guild if you like playing Engineer in World vs World and feel comfortable changing your build to try different setups in different combat situations. I feel engineers can be extremely powerful if used with coordination. I’m talking about having Grenade Engi’s, Flame thrower Engi’s, I want to see the use of different kits on the combat field aside from the regular tag and zerg.

These types of guilds are not for everyone. If you are willing to try something new please I encourage you to join us. If you are just starting off and you made an Engi, I also ask that you join us. If you are on a different server and plan on switching please let me know. I will make sure the guild itself is fun for both PvE and PvP players. Reply here or send me mail in game if you wish to join us!

Wheels keep turnin, we keep fighting!