The Lonely Traveler(Chat Guild)
Sounds interesting! I’m interested in checking it out. My character name is Dingledots, or you can reach me through my account name Dingledots.8964.
Sounds interesting! I’m interested in checking it out. My character name is Dingledots, or you can reach me through my account name Dingledots.8964.
i’ll send you an invite once i get online.
truth be told, we literally just started yesterday with a thread in Reddit :P
good to see someone is already interested (apart from the other two guys on Reddit :P)
Hey, I’d love to check out your guild. My character name is Leiyoria or ValKere.1645
I’m totally interested in this. Toss me a guild invite when you can.
I’m totally interested in this. Toss me a guild invite when you can.
i’m so sorry i didn’t see this, lost track of the forums thread :P
i’ll send you an invite ASAP, if you’re still interested.
Hey, I’d love to check out your guild. My character name is Leiyoria or ValKere.1645
i am so sorry i didn’t reply for so long, i thought this thread was buried. if you’re still interested, you’re more than welcome to join.
it’s pretty quiet, though :\
i’ll send you an invite.