The Mercenaries of Death [MoD] is Recruiting!

The Mercenaries of Death [MoD] is Recruiting!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Guinness.2704



The Mercenaries of Death [MoD] is a WvW oriented guild that likes to still kick back and relax in the PvX environment as well. We are a havoc-based guild on Eredon Terrace (NA) who work with the other Commanders to create multiple fronts on the map and break up the zergs that are so prevalent in WvW nowadays. We do guild missions on Sundays and during the week we do whatever our guildies want to! With the pre-season transfer prices being implemented, [MoD] is an excellent guild to get embedded in for a fun Season 2 of WvW! If you’re interested, mail Guinness.2704 in game, and we will get you set up!

Oh… and the best part about MoD other than our strong ties of helping out all of our guildies? No level, profession, or application requirement!!! Just ask and we will make you one of us.