(edited by Anamelia Ladyhawk.3689)
The Pack You Envy [ENVY]
WvW small ops team growing fast LFM interested in nightly WvW runs early NA time. Prof. needed are stealth thieves, guardians, necros, staff eles, & shout warriors. Message me in game for more info about requirements for our WvW team.
Hi, I just wanted to let you know the URL linked in the initial post does not work.
Thank you… it is corrected now and should work.
Hello to all I am Teo GL of the WvW part of EVNY. For all that are new to ENVY welcome. If you see us in WvW or in PvE come join us the community is always welcome, you don’t have to be in The Pack to run with The Pack
ENVY is recruiting loyal and active players that are looking for a place to call home, We have many players of ALL levels and ALL timezones that is what makes us diverse, Our members are US East and West coast, Australia & Europe. We offer lots of helpful information about the game and we can even post website links in our TS3 server or even our guild website to answer your toughest questions about the game, we are helpful and friendly, come and run with ENVY, give us a try? I advertise in Queensdale and plains of Ashford on a regular basis, ppl join ENVY everyday and we have helped so many new players get their first level 80 character.