The Way of Recruiting- HoD Style

The Way of Recruiting- HoD Style

in Looking for...

Posted by: Devon.9061


Started from the top now we’re here. Started from the top now my whole team transferred off x4

I kept it real from the jump down
Livin in WvW we’d argue every day
HoD, flippin those camps all night, zergs on its way
JQ calling us like “Where ya at?
I gave you a rapin now we want you back”
I just think it’s funny how it goes
Now I’m on the road down, half the zerg would show and we

Started from the top now we’re here
Started from the top now my whole team transferred off x4

No new transfers, we be needin that
Forget the transfers, where my troopers at?
We don’t like to do much complaining
We be falling outa line, down the tiers we go
No new transfers, we be needin that
Forget the transfes, where my troopers at?
We don’t like to do much complaining
We be falling outa line, trough the pride and the fame cause we

Started from the top now we’re here
Started from the top now my whole team transferred off x4

Last Forum Account Left.
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.

The Way of Recruiting- HoD Style

in Looking for...

Posted by: Devon.9061


Some Poems and Songs by Cron of CV

~ – Tower defense legendary of the Henge! – ~

For this is how many a hero of the Henge
Defend any tower with legendary strength!
Following this Commander going by Mergh
Who threw his armour away with a smirk!
Proudly showing his broad behind on the wall he perched!
Making invaders drop many a sword as they went berserk!
And many flee the wondrous sight in a splat!
Those who remained were soon ganked
By the legendary tactics of the Henge!

- – - Song of the Denvies – - -

In the dawn of awaken Spring, the love founded Denravi
There, a Titan arrived together with the Denvies
It took much territories while travel to far away lands it forbade
Curious were the Denvies and few sneaked in to these lands for a peek
Through the Titan’s size, few could ever get in

Then the Titan sneezed!
Jade became its body, Storm was its gathering
Fear gripped the Denvies, others came with more fearmongering
Many started to flee, believing the “dead server” prophency

Scorn was poured on the Denvies, birthed from the Titan envy
Slaughter was a dramatic daily, relentless on the inexperienced Denvies
Denvies were a people to beat, for the Titan is no more in Denravi
Egos were drums that beat from the many who wanted a piece of innocent meat

Soon faced with odds of 1 to many manys, the Denvies were on a boat to sink
And many manys taught the Denvies the strength of unity
For once being bullied, the Denvies learnt to rally
Facing low tiered enemies who gained migrants suddenly
Denvies lived the scorn and sneering ego trips despite being the very victims

While many suffered the low tier fatalities
Few realised the sufferings of the Titan lost Denvies
Who never invited the Titan
Nor took part in its glory

All through these the Denvies lived quietly
To rebuild their world forgotten and scorned by many

- – - Nightmare visits Dreaming Bay – - -

It was the horn sounding in faraway Dreaming Bay
Then the gong stunting the dreamers to awake

Sorrows has heralded a furnace
Fanning hordes of nightmare from Madness Gate

Rush rush! They have taken the supply camp! Heros fell as the numbers overwhelmed!
One to ten they fought the swell as Denvies have seen since the Titan fell!
One by one the allies fell ensuring siege machines now sit ready and well!

Come Madness horde of relentless swell!
We fought you before, we’re up for more!
Your numbers are bigger but your win has become smaller, and Denvies refuse to surrender!

Come you Sorrows men!
We’ll let you remember Sunny Hill!
When we first met and with superior numbers you came, we hit you down and took your money bags!

Commanders there were three, directing the angered Denvies!
Come you one, come you both!
Denvies always stand up to bullies!
Your numbers are bigger, so what?
Bigger still we have faced and not run!

Bandwagoners have long discard, who you meet are Denvies who pile you with our arrow carts!
You will win with numbers, so what?
Your money bags give us more siege to hit you hard!

Rally Denvies! Rally more!
Bullied by numbers we have seen before!
So what if Madness brings Sorrows too? Dreams shall be pure in Denvies roar!

Last Forum Account Left.
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.

The Way of Recruiting- HoD Style

in Looking for...

Posted by: Talia.7412


(works if you sing it to the tune of “I will Survive”)

At first, we were afraid, we were petrified
Kept thinking, how could HoD survive the zergs and all?
But then we spent so many nights looking at our measly score
And we grew strong and we learned how to stand up tall

And so we fought, eight vs hordes
Three trebs from the keep, and a zerg just out the door
I should have brought in more supply
I should have set up more siege prints
If I’d known in advance the tower that they’d hit

Go on now, go, port to a camp, get us more supplies
And get some blueprints while you’re there
It’s 4am and though I need to get to bed
Did you think I’d quit? Did you think I’d leave and let you die?

Oh, no, not I, we will survive
Oh, as long as we’ve got something left, we’ll guard it to the death
We’ll save our borderlands, we’ve silver for repairs
And we’ll survive, we will survive, hey, hey

It took all the caffeine I had not to fall asleep
Kept trying hard to fix the pieces of that broken wall
And I rushed, oh, so many times to recap our Spiritholme
I wanted to cry but now I hold my head up high

And look at us, our spirits high
We’re no longer that dead server they all talk about
And so they drop an alpha golem and just expect to PvDoor
But little do they know, we’ve got a ballista on the wall!

Go on now, go, port to a camp, get us more supplies
And get some blueprints while you’re there
It’s 4am and though I need to get to bed
Did you think I’d quit? Did you think I’d leave and let you die?

Oh, no, not I, we will survive
Oh, as long as we’ve got something left, we’ll guard it to the death
We’ll save our borderlands, we’ve silver for repairs
And we’ll survive, we will survive, hey, hey

Go on now, go, yell in LA, let’s grow our own mob
‘Cause we’re not giving up our stuff
The wall is down again, and the hordes are headed here
Did you think I’d quit? Did you think I’d leave and let you die?

Oh, no, not I, we will survive
Oh, as long as we’ve got something left, we’ll guard it to the death
We’ll save our borderlands, we’ve silver for repairs
And we’ll survive, we will survive, we will survive

Charter Vanguard [CV], on HoD since the betas

(edited by Talia.7412)