The Ätlantean Ärmy [ÄÄ] | Underworld [EU]

The Ätlantean Ärmy [ÄÄ] | Underworld [EU]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Wizard.4056


——- The Ätlantean Ärmy of Underworld —-—

The Ätlantean Ärmy is an ambitious international guild offering all the aspects of the game to its members, with a focus on World vs World. Our active and experienced leadership aims to make the guild the best WvW guild on the realm through careful recruitment, trainings & by organizing many events.

The ÄÄ Values
1. If you decide to join the ÄÄ you may only represent us. This encourages bonding and will give you a better chance of meeting some of our amazing members.
2. Other than the represent rule, everything else is entirely voluntary! We will not force you to join any event, attend to any meeting or pay any tax. Everything is on your own terms.
3. We offer a wide range of guild events per week. These can be one of our WvW trainings (Starter training, Advanced training or Teamwork training, etc) or sessions where we as a guild will conquer enemy fortifications. Other events include guild missions twice a week, PvE evening once a week & a sPvP evening biweekly.
4. Transparency & clear communication. We strive to keep our members up to date about anything that is of importance to them. Management decisions are announced in the MOTD, on the forum and/or website. Leaders and officers can easily be contacted for questions and there is 1 master topic on the forum where guild members can read everything they need to know about the guild. We like to call this our constitution.
5. Respect is the word. We treat each other with respect seeing that we are all from different countries and even continents. We are a group of people of all ages and so we do not tolerate flaming or insulting. Not towards guild members, nor towards any other players.

The ÄÄ Hierarchy
The Ätlantean Ärmy is lead by one leader and one co-leader. They are assisted by an amazing team of volunteers whom willingly offer their time and effort to take one or more responsibilities to assist the guild. We are a very organized guild and so have the following structure within the guild:

- 5 Council members whom advise the leaders and co-leader.
- 10 Officer roles such as Tactical Officers, Recruitment Officers,Training Officers, E-Officers and many more whom all assist in the management of the guild.
- 5 ranks which display WvW experience, knowledge & skill of an individual.

The ÄÄ Amenities
Joining our guild will grant you access to many great features which will enhance your gaming experience. A few examples of these are:

  • A website where you can find a live calendar of upcoming guild events;
  • A teamspeak server which we use during our events, but is also used for casual chats;
  • An active forum where members can share their ideas, thoughts and opinions about various subjects;
  • Many fun casual events such as lotteries, other game evenings and more;
  • A wide range of ambitious commanders whom during and outside guild events proudly lead our members on the battlefield;
  • A full guild vault where every member can withdraw food every day to improve their efficiency in combat;
  • All available guild missions are unlocked and done weekly;

Should you have any questions you are more than welcome to send me an ingame whisper or mail. In addition I would like to refer you to our website where you can find more info about us. The link is

I look forward meeting you!


Proud leader and commander of the Ätlantean Ärmy of Underworld

(edited by Wizard.4056)

The Ätlantean Ärmy [ÄÄ] | Underworld [EU]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Wizard.4056


Updated to 1.1 Coughspellingmistakes

The Ätlantean Ärmy [ÄÄ] | Underworld [EU]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Wizard.4056


We are proud to announce that we reached the 250 member count again. We removed all characters that did not log in over 3 weeks and so all the current members are active and playing!

We are now also having combined guild events during WvW and sPvP with other enthusiastic guilds.

The Ätlantean Ärmy [ÄÄ] | Underworld [EU]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Wizard.4056


One month further and we have expanded to the size of over 310 members! Welcome to all new recruits & stay tuned as we are about to release our Champion rank for those interested in serious ‘hardcore’ WvW. has been updated as well! Videos of guild events can be found there now as well.