[Thot]Thoses Heroes Over There Crystal Desert

[Thot]Thoses Heroes Over There Crystal Desert

in Looking for...

Posted by: Riranor.6315


Crystal Desert
So we’re Thot. Yes, Thot. We’re a guild that focuses on PVE and PVP, though as of right now it is only composed of myself, my partner, and a good friend of ours. We’re currently looking to get a guild hall and I decided it’s time I actually started trying to recruit members. We’re still a fresh guild, don’t have much going on for us yet and getting used to HoT’s new guild system, but we’re willing to help players reach their set goals and have a fun place to chat. I don’t need serious commitment either, representing another guild is fine, as long as you are willing to do stuff with us sometimes also!

We’re also looking to do raiding when it is released.

Friendly to all builds and classes, also noobs.

Content we currently enjoy doing:
PVP Conquest
PVP Stronghold
PVE Map Exploration
The occasional FotM
HoT Meta Events

If you’re interested just contact me via in game mail.

Disclaimer: I want to be a safe place for anyone from any background, I will not tolerate any kind of prejudice against another player.

Crystal Desert Server, one of each classes at 80
Main Mesmer PVE, Necro and Engineer PVP