Tier1 player wanting new home on Tier2

Tier1 player wanting new home on Tier2

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Posted by: Natronix.9827


Sea of Sorrows:

- Current dominant T2 server scorewise. Variety of mentalities on one server, from casual pvers to hardcore wvwers. Great OCX /SEA coverage with moderate everything else.

There’s plenty of guilds to apply to, but for small scale and during EU I would take a look at [Lion]


- Moderate T2 server. Very fight centric mentality wise, this includes the numerous wvw guilds and militia, but we have some guys that take care of our land (Ask Belle ;P) too. Very decent EU-NA coverage, very low on everything else.

As for small scale guilds there is a few but i am not sure what is their recruitment status. I’d take a look at [CT]


- Smallest out of all T2 servers, but not far away from Mag’s coverage. Diversity of mentalities on the server, great SEA coverage and good reset/weekend performance. Low EU coverage and moderate everything else

For small scale I’d take a look at [EA], theres also a few others that play havoc around too.

Note: This is my personal PoV as I play on T2 and is a very summarized and general view

Commander Nachonix

Tier1 player wanting new home on Tier2

in Looking for...

Posted by: seineith.7048


I know you stated you’re looking for T2 but like you, I transferred off of JQ two months ago. I was frustrated with a lot of things and just needed a better fit for what I was looking for. I picked BG, and honestly? I’ve never been happier. I came to realize that a lot of what people said about BG really wasn’t true at all. I was pretty much welcomed into the community with open arms, especially after they saw I really wasn’t there to spy (for either side), I was just trying to have a good time and enjoy the game I paid for.

There’s a LOT of friendly guilds – OnS, ZEN, KnT, ICoA. In fact, if you’re looking for small havoc, I would definitely suggest ZEN, super friendly bunch that essentially solely does small group work and kicks kitten , and then I know of APEX that does highly organized runs, and verrry selective if that’s your kind of thing.

And yes, it’s definitely a family vibe here. I’ve seen squabbling but just about everybody and every guild gets along really well, and you can always go and talk and run with other people outside your guild if you’re feeling social. But yeah. Hope you find what you’re looking for, I understand your sentiments 100%.


Tier1 player wanting new home on Tier2

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Posted by: Waage.2047


I can only speak from my view of BG.

All 3 tier 2 servers have shown there metal and would be worthy of picking. They have put op one hell of a fight and there are even gracious in defeat.

[RK] – Guild Leader and awesome Warrior – BG

Tier1 player wanting new home on Tier2

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Posted by: morrolan.9608


Nice PR campaign BG and if the OP is on JQ I’ll eat my shorts.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Tier1 player wanting new home on Tier2

in Looking for...

Posted by: SonofNoob.3102


Nice PR campaign BG and if the OP is on JQ I’ll eat my shorts.

LOL You are so bitter.

Tier1 player wanting new home on Tier2

in Looking for...

Posted by: Daisy.9513


Nice PR campaign BG and if the OP is on JQ I’ll eat my shorts.

Start eating your shorts. I don’t appreciate you harassing me on this post. I’ll let your post stand as a minor example of why I’m moving off JQ.

To all the others who’ve posted, I really appreciate the information. To those who have contacted me in-game I thank you also. The information given to me has been most helpful, right now I’m leaning toward Maguuma, but still listening to opinions.

Tier1 player wanting new home on Tier2

in Looking for...

Posted by: TheLargeUnit.2793


Don’t count HoD out. Underneath the layers of band-wagoners lies a strong community that has experienced every tier of play.

Feel free to whisper me if you have any questions.

Achmed Afro Thunder ~ Six Ft Pole Achmed ~ Dharok The Ravenous
Long Live [ASAP] Zerg: The greatest guild that ever was or will be.

Tier1 player wanting new home on Tier2

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Posted by: JaredKincade.9761


Blackgate poster here.

Mag has some good fighting forces. In fact, from my perspective they are tougher to beat than most of Tier 1 guilds in their own way.

Thanks for looking for a Tier 2 server, not that Blackgate wouldn’t be a good fit, but it is always good to see movement from Tier 1 to Tier 2.

Tier1 player wanting new home on Tier2

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Posted by: Tarkus.4109


There are some decent fights in T2 with Mag/DB/SoS, but yeah I’d recommend Mag as they generaly have more guilds so would be more stable than the ones with the fighting guilds (such as Agg) who might move off if they want other people to fight. Shout out to VR and PYRO, as they are solid guilds.

But if you are after more EU action I think SoS’s Lion are a good choice as well, as they seem very balanced in their play-style and do well with the numbers they have.

Retired OCX Pugmander and Guild driver [Tarkus, Vaelle]

(edited by Tarkus.4109)

Tier1 player wanting new home on Tier2

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Dear Daisy, JQ wishes you all the best. But kindly please do not articulate an entire server as toxic.

Loving Regards,

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Tier1 player wanting new home on Tier2

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Posted by: Shadows Creed.3902

Shadows Creed.3902

From my opinion playing on mag. All three servers have small scale. You just need to define out what small scale you want to do. Not to push mag too much but there are a bunch of guilds that do small scale on here.

Company Of Traveling Heroes [CTH]- maguuma

Leader of ninja ops

Tier1 player wanting new home on Tier2

in Looking for...

Posted by: Wraith.9426


Hey, my vote for you would be Mag. There are some great GvG guilds on there that you could learn a lot from.

Blackgate ~~[Ons]laught~~

Tier1 player wanting new home on Tier2

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Posted by: Natronix.9827


From my opinion playing on mag. All three servers have small scale. You just need to define out what small scale you want to do. Not to push mag too much but there are a bunch of guilds that do small scale on here.

oh god i forgot bout CTH the gods of ninjaing, pls forgive

Commander Nachonix

Tier1 player wanting new home on Tier2

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Posted by: Hackuuna.4085


Guilds that consistently participate in small scale fights while also doing GvG don’t really exist. From the qualities you listed I’d definitely say Maguuma would be a good fit.

You will get a sense of GvG conditions (if the enemy commander is willing) when Nacho leads during your play time (EU and NA prime) and you can also be free to join multiple guilds to fulfill multiple desires. I guarantee you will learn a lot here if you are willing.

Tier1 player wanting new home on Tier2

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Posted by: Shadows Creed.3902

Shadows Creed.3902

All good nacho

If you want to learn about ninja ops just send me a message in game

Company Of Traveling Heroes [CTH]- maguuma

Leader of ninja ops

Tier1 player wanting new home on Tier2

in Looking for...

Posted by: Daisy.9513


I can’t thank you all enough for the awesome feedback! Thanks to all who responded to this thread and contacted me in-game. Maguuma appears to be the fit for me. See you all next weekend. =)

Tier1 player wanting new home on Tier2

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jonstern.8326


WOOOP seeya next week

Team Micro™
Tarnished Coast
Jonstern Guild Leader/Driver

Tier1 player wanting new home on Tier2

in Looking for...

Posted by: niflheimar.4860


I know you stated you’re looking for T2 but like you, I transferred off of JQ two months ago. I was frustrated with a lot of things and just needed a better fit for what I was looking for. I picked BG, and honestly? I’ve never been happier. I came to realize that a lot of what people said about BG really wasn’t true at all. I was pretty much welcomed into the community with open arms, especially after they saw I really wasn’t there to spy (for either side), I was just trying to have a good time and enjoy the game I paid for.

There’s a LOT of friendly guilds – OnS, ZEN, KnT, ICoA. In fact, if you’re looking for small havoc, I would definitely suggest ZEN, super friendly bunch that essentially solely does small group work and kicks kitten , and then I know of APEX that does highly organized runs, and verrry selective if that’s your kind of thing.

And yes, it’s definitely a family vibe here. I’ve seen squabbling but just about everybody and every guild gets along really well, and you can always go and talk and run with other people outside your guild if you’re feeling social. But yeah. Hope you find what you’re looking for, I understand your sentiments 100%.

Is that why you asked to come back to KA in JQ when you realised BG were getting hammered into the ground and got told nope?