Tracksuit Wearing Cats [Aww] Aurora Gl PvX

Tracksuit Wearing Cats [Aww] Aurora Gl PvX

in Looking for...

Posted by: TempzCr.6427


Hello kind people!

I started playing GW2 a couple of weeks ago. I was drifting around in a couple of guilds, trying to find somewhere i could fit in. This never really happened. So i forced a couple of friends to join me in game. They joined, and this was the beginning of the Tracksuit Wearing Cats. We have played a ton of RPG’s. We played Diablo 2 back when it was godly, we played Diablo 3 not really caring for it that much, and we of course also played WoW. We had a guild in WoW too, purely casual.
When they came to GW2, we decided we’d go ahead and create a guild again.

We are all quite new to the game, currently just us 4 people. We are searching for more mature casual gamers like ourselves. We are searching for new people who just joined the game like us, who just want to explore the great content this game has to offer, and we are also searching for older members who might want to be part of something new and growing, and want to be like a mentor for the rest of us.

There is plenty of chance of rising in the guild rank, since we are new, there is room for every form of improvemet possible. At some point, we will be doing all the available guild activities, we will be doing WvW things, and sPvP stuff. Whatever we can do, we will do it in due time. Since we are not focusing on anything specific, we will try everything once we get going.

We are not looking to create a large guild that feel unpersonal and stuff like that, we want to have a maximum of somwhere around 20 members, that really know eachother well. We are all university students, so we do have exams which we have to tend to, and so there will be days where we can’t play as much.

We usually sit on skype while gaming, but i’m planning on getting a TeamSpeak in due time, if the guild actaully grows.

Remember, we are a very Casual Guild!

I think that was it for now. If you need to know more, feel free to contact me, or the other leader of the guild, the names are below.
Thank you and peace out!

Tempz Cr & Galapolis
– Tracksuit Wearing Cats

Tempz Warr – Warrior [Aurora Glade]
Third Legio – [III]

Tracksuit Wearing Cats [Aww] Aurora Gl PvX

in Looking for...

Posted by: TempzCr.6427


A little update. We are still recruiting members. We are still quite small, but then again, we are not striving to become huge.
We have obviously become more experienced, we have a guy who has been doing WvW quite a lot, so he knows what he’s doing, and i must admit we are enjoying WvW very much, even though we still are a PvX guild, just exploring the great content this game has to offer.

So throw me a PM if you are interested in joining a still growing guild, or if you simply have some questions.

– Tempz

Tempz Warr – Warrior [Aurora Glade]
Third Legio – [III]

Tracksuit Wearing Cats [Aww] Aurora Gl PvX

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pudzillon.2613


Hello I’m quite new in this game and want to get more experience with the guild aspect. I’m intrested in joining your guild. I am also a student and casual gamer and want to explore the world a lot and form contacts. Contact me in game if I you are interested (Pudzillon.2613)