Welcome to the Traders’ Guild, Unseen Locker [Unsl] !
We want to create a trading community for everyone, specializing with goods of many kinds, from skins and minis, to precursors and legendaries. We also want to announce Ministers Waypoint in Divinity’s Reach as our beloved place for chilling, trading and shouting your offers, next to the guild chat of course. Don’t wait, join our community and seek great offers today! We do not require representing at all times. On the long term we plan to use our funds to organize various lotteries with hot rewards!
1. Do NOT deposit items / gold without contacting Leader Mediator about the trade you agreed on with another player.
2. Price agreement needs to be made BEFORE contacting a Leader Mediator.
3. Every trade is recorded with Fraps.
4. If trade is not completed for any reason, both parties receive their items back, no fee is paid.
5. Trade mediating applies only to trades with a price agreement of 100g and higher.
1. Seller and Buyer should be in the same party, having an agreement on price.
2. Contact a Leader Mediator with a whisper to join your party.
3. In the party chat, the seller writes the price and links the item(s) to be sold.
4. Leader Mediator calculates 5% fee that needs to be paid by the seller.
5. Both parties will send the item(s) and gold to the Leader Mediator.
6. Leader Mediator puts item(s) and gold into guild’s 1st bank tab for both parties to see.
7. Leader Mediator will remind both parties about making a screenshot of ready to be made trade.
8. Leader Mediator mails items to corresponding players, effectively finishing the trade.
Only difference is that after contacting Leader Mediator and agreeing to trade, item(s) and gold can be deposited directly into guild’s bank, without need of initial mailing.
For more information and joining the community, please contact us in-game:
- Machiavell.7396
- SacredNightshine.4270
Unofficial Master Bugfinder and Design Critic.
“He will improve everything that ArenaNet added to infinity and beyond.”