Tribe [TRB] Now Recruiting - Jade Quarry

Tribe [TRB] Now Recruiting - Jade Quarry

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sharess.3047


Tribe [TRB] ( is a very active gaming community; gaming is our passion and our primary pastime. We currently play in many games: Guild Wars 2, SWTOR, FFXIV, League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Diablo 3. We have had past chapters in games such as AION, Warhammer Online, TERA, EvE, Rift The Secret World, Hellgate: London and many more.

We have recently opened our recruitment and eagerly await your application.

Tribe [TRB] is the GW2 Chapter of Tribe Gaming. It is our most recent addition and our most active chapter. The Chapter Leader, Oronis, is dedicated to not only strengthening our WvWvW dominance but to also create many events ingame to help grow the community together as a whole. Our philosophy is simple: Gaming is our hobby and our love, so we bring together others to join us. Most of our members are working adults in our 20s-30s, but we have some outside that range. Many are married, and we have several couples that play together. We view our members as people, not as toons, and our recruitment focuses on the attitude and personality, not the gear and the meters. We focus heavily on events/fractals/WvWvW and SPVP, but participation is not a requirement of membership. Most of us know each other on a first-name basis, we even have an annual get-together (TribeCon), also optional, and some of us have been to guildies’ weddings.

For those that do participate in WvWvW and SPvP, we aim to remain competitive. We define ourselves as “serious-fun” or “medium-core”. Just like playing on an amateur sports team with friends, we enjoy each other’s company, but get down to business at game-time. We love learning new combos, teaching newer players, and actively improving upon new strategies – it’s who we are. We will not, however, waste our time on those too lazy or dumb to learn. If you like standing in fire and letting the rest of the team carry you, move along please. If, however, you are willing to put in the effort to be an ever-improving player, we’re the place for you.

In Tribe, most of us are online nightly because we enjoy it so much, but we understand if you can’t make it to every single event or be on daily. We expect you to have your life in order, but realize that emergencies happen. We do however expect you to represent Tribe [TRB] while playing. We want you to be here because you want to be here. If you are thinking of applying but only plan on representing Tribe 50% of the time, please move on. In Tribe you get out of it what you put into it. If you are sociable, jump on mumble with us etc you will have a LOT of fun. If however you solo all content and rarely talk, you might feel somewhat in the rough.

We aim to continue our dominance that we helped hold in the WvWvW from Stormbluff Isle and progress/hone skills in SPvP. We also help members with world completion, explorable modes and fractals. We also work to maintain a solid reputation as one of the most mature and progress orientated guilds on the server.

• Server: Jade Quarry previously Stormbluff Isle
• Website:
• Ingame Contacts: Recruitment Guides: Misaô (Alt + 0244 for the ô) /Sharess.3047 and Park Boram. 2nd in Command: Ventashar. Chapter Leader: Oronys

We’ll consider any able player. There is no “tenure” or “core spot” in Tribe. There are always ways to try out for the separate squads. If you can perform better than our current SPvP’ers for your role, you’ll either be invited, or better yet we can make new teams.

What We Offer:
Tribe will provide a community in which you can enjoy the company and fellowship of other gamers, “where everybody knows your name”. ;-) We share feedback with those looking to learn (current spec, new class, addons, new game, software, etc…) just about anything we know.

Member Testimonials:

Apply through the forum on or learn more at

Feel free to add me to chat more about Tribe and your interest in it.
In-Game Mail: Sharess Dragonborn
Yahoo!/AIM: Bonecracker1982
Steam: Sharess
Tribe Gaming Website Forum Profile:

I will be online most days via the chat mediums above. Send me a message if you want to know more.

Hope to hear from you soon!
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.

Tribe [TRB] Now Recruiting - Jade Quarry

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sharess.3047


We’re a great community. And we expand well beyond just GW2.

In our GW2 chapter we are looking for more people that enjoy doing guild missions, dungeons and of course WvWvW with us! We have a strong WvWvW presence and being on the 3rd most populated server you always have action in WvWvW.

In our FFXIV ARR Chapter we are on the Midgard server and going quite strong. Join us today on and when you apply we will give you mumble information for the beta event this weekend. Come join and enjoy the company/events that follow!!!

Our wow chapter is 2/13 Heroic ToT and pushing more next week. We have strengthened our 25m raid but are still seeking exceptional individuals (not for bench spots).

As always any questions can be directed at me or during the application phase. My personal contact info is above.

~ David/Sharess
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.