[UNIV] FA/DH PST Havoc/Roaming WvW

[UNIV] FA/DH PST Havoc/Roaming WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: HiTandMayhem.1378


Dynamics Thesis Defense Unit [UNIV]

We’re most interested in players who want to work together as a unit, actively adapting to changes in the game as it comes. We don’t run zergs; we run smaller so you have to be ready to adapt in play style and/or build.

Due to our server (Fort Aspenwood) moving up and down in tiers, we must adjust to either being very outnumbered in upper tiers or in the lower tiers be ready for some players who are more experienced in dueling.

Living up to the spirit of the word ‘Dynamic’ means that we’re always looking to adjust and improve in a changing game.

In that spirit, we have several resources at our disposal:

  • A guild hall arena
  • Access to a private PvP arena thanks to [Jedi] where junior players can spectate while more experienced players duel and vice versa.
  • Subject matter consultants who can talk classes and builds in a patient matter with new (or new/returning to WvW) players
  • Allied guilds like [DIE], [TLC] and [Jedi] who can provide additional run-times and a different play style.
  • Inviting outside subject matter experts to broaden our understanding of classes, combos, and team comps.
  • Weekly missions to allow members to accrue guild commendations for creating better builds.
  • A level 55 Guild Hall: Full buffs in the Guild Tavern, a top level War Room, a Work Shop, Market, and the above mentioned Arena for all members.

Given that, the players we seek are:

  • Players who are team oriented, affable, and ready to work together to support the Unit.
  • New players who want to learn – Join us, engage us, ask us questions. No question is too basic.
  • Subject matter veterans who want to teach – We’d love it if you joined but if you’re already full on guilds and don’t want to leave them, let’s schedule a time when you can drop in and share the wisdom.

Our Current Requirements:

  • Must participate in at least one guild mission per week. [currently WvW & PvP] (Players are also rewarded chests with commendations for participating in each mission.)
  • If we as a team are performing under par, must accept that sometimes missions or rallies will be deferred until we spend enough time in practice to improve fight effectiveness in order to adapt to dynamic changes in the game.
  • If unable to rally with us must donate materials toward the building/advancing of the guild hall or keeping up tactics.
    And/Or must be a driver/ involved mentor of players and spend time assisting the guild.
  • Must_have_teamspeak. Initially if you’re kittenhen just listening is fine. If you want to do more than be a peripheral player however, call-outs are important in a fight.
  • If you’re a Fort Aspenwood native, a profile on fort-aspenwood.com. We’re pushing you in that direction so you can get a better idea of the bigger picture on the server. Sign up, get informed.
  • We love seeing members rep all the time but we only require that you rep when you run with us, use the PvP arena, or run with an allied guild (listed above) that you are not also a member of.

We also offer:

  • Small WvW runs, not blobby.
  • WvW rally and guild missions: Tue 8pm PST/ Fri Reset/ Sat 7PST
  • Guild referral if we are not a match for you
  • Grand Master Crafters in all disciplines.
  • Theory crafters who are happy to talk builds.
  • A ‘No question is too basic’ attitude.
  • A website with helpful information.

Timezone: Generally PST/EST
Current Guild Size: 94. (18 consistent WvW regulars)
Age Group: 18+ preferred. Our group generally ranges from mid 20’s up.
WvW Rally Sched: Tues 8 PST/ Fri Reset/ Sat &PST, Spontaneous many days during the week
Crucible of Eternity run for Golemancer Runes can be scheduled any time. [We occasionally have a Golemancer fun-run in WvW and pop as many golems as possible]

contact HiTandMayhem.1378 in game for more information or if you’re interested in joining the Unit.

[UNIV] – Guild Leader, [DSM]- founding member
[TLC] – MicroCenturion
Fort Aspenwood Community Member

[UNIV] FA/DH PST Havoc/Roaming WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: HiTandMayhem.1378


HAHAHA! Also, it seems that ANet doesn’t want me to type ‘shy’ with a comma and a ‘t’ because it turns into ‘kittenhen’

[UNIV] – Guild Leader, [DSM]- founding member
[TLC] – MicroCenturion
Fort Aspenwood Community Member